Adding Ozone data connector for Cloudera Data Engineering service

You can configure Ozone as the backend storage for Cloudera Data Engineering workloads.

Data connectors are bound to a Cloudera Data Engineering service and you must first create a Cloudera Data Engineering service before configuring Ozone storage.
  1. In the Cloudera console, click the Data Engineering tile. The Cloudera Data Engineering Home page displays.
  2. Click Administration in the left navigation menu. The Administration page displays.
  3. In the Services column, click for the Cloudera Data Engineering service you want to configure for accessing the Ozone file system.
  4. Click the Data Connectors tab. On the Data Connectors tab, you can view details about the existing data connectors, if any, including the Cloudera Data Engineering service name, URL for the storage, CDH Version, and the Cloudera environment.
  5. Click Create A Connector. The Create A Connector dialog box is displayed.
  6. Specify the connector's name.
  7. Select Ozone from the Type of Connector drop-down list.
  8. Review the summary and click Create Connector.
After configuring the Cloudera Data Engineering service to access the Ozone filesystem, use this data connector during job creation to read and write from Apache Ozone Object Store through your workload Spark job.