Using the Command Line Interface

The command-line interface (CLI) includes commands and options for running Cloudera Director locally or for bootstrapping or terminating Cloudera Director on a remote server.

Local commands

The commands in this table can be used when running Cloudera Manager locally (in standalone mode):

Command Description Options
bootstrap Bootstraps an environment, deployment, and cluster locally (in standalone mode).
  • If progress was already made bootstrapping, this option determines if the process will automatically resume (resume), start over from scratch (restart), or ask the user (interactive). The default value is interactive.
status Reports status on various entities, including deployment, cluster, Cloudera Manager instance, and cluster instances.  
terminate Terminates a cluster and deployment locally (in standalone mode).
  • This property determines if the user must explicitly confirm termination (false) or if confirmation is assumed (true). The default value is false.
update Updates an environment, deployment, and cluster locally (in standalone mode).  
validate Validates a configuration locally (in standalone mode).
  • If true, prints out parsed configuration information. The default value is false.

Remote commands

The following CLI commands can be used to bootstrap or terminate Cloudera Director on a remote server:

Command Description Option
bootstrap-remote Bootstraps an environment, deployment, and cluster on a remote server.
  • Default value: localhost:7189

lp.remote.username=Cloudera Director server username

lp.remote.password=Cloudera Director server password

terminate-remote Terminates a cluster and deployment on a remote server.
  • Default value: localhost:7189

lp.remote.username=Cloudera Director server username

lp.remote.password=Cloudera Director server password

  • This property determines if the user must explicitly confirm termination (false) or if confirmation is assumed (true). The default value is false.