Adding New VM Images

This section describes how to add new VM images. By default the Cloudera Director Azure plugin supports the following Cloudera-provided Azure VM image:

  • cloudera-centos-6-latest
You can add additional images by modifying the images.conf configuration file in the plugin configuration directory. By default, the directory is at /var/lib/cloudera-director-plugins/azure-provider-1.0.0/etc. The configuration file looks as follows:
# Alias of configurable Azure VM Images

# This is the Centos 6 image published by Cloudera
cloudera-centos-6-latest {
publisher: cloudera
offer: cloudera-centos-6
version: latest

# A new image must be specified as the following:
# new-image-name {
#  publisher: some_publisher
#  offer: offer_name
#  sku: sku_name
#  version: version_name
Each Azure VM image is uniquely identified by four pieces of information:
  1. publisher
  2. offer
  3. sku
  4. version
To add a new image, create a new configuration block and provide the four required pieces of information. For more information on specifying images, see Working with Marketplace Images on Azure Resource Manager in the Microsoft Azure documentation. After updating the configuration file, restart the Cloudera Director server for the change to take effect.