Frequently Asked Questions
This page answers frequently asked questions about Cloudera Director.
General Questions
Can I move Cloudera Director to a different instance?
In some circumstances, you may want to move Cloudera Director from the instance where it is installed to a different instance, for example, if you need to delete the AWS subnet where the Cloudera Director instance is currently running. This can be done much as it would be with any other application.
Can master or worker roles be run on instances where Cloudera Manager is running?
No, CDH cluster entities cannot be run on the same instance as Cloudera Manager.
How can I reduce the time required for cluster deployment?
You can reduce cluster deployment time by using an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). For information on creating an AMI, see Using Custom Repositories with Cloudera Manager and CDH.
How can I make Cloudera Director highly available?
Cloudera Director can set up highly available clusters in a Cloudera Manager deployment, but does not support a high availability setup for itself. You can make Cloudera Director more robust by configuring it to use a backed-up, robust MySQL database server (one that is hosted, for example, on AWS RDS ) for its database instead of Cloudera Director's default H2 database. Then, if the Director instance goes down, another instance can be spun up that references the same database. In this case, Cloudera Director has the ability to resume interrupted work.
For information on setting up highly available clusters in a Cloudera Manager deployment using Cloudera Director, see Creating Highly Available Clusters With Cloudera Director.
How do I create instances in multiple availability zones in AWS EC2?
This is AWS-specific. Each subnet exists in only one availability zone, so if you want multiple availability zones for your instances, you need to create multiple instance groups, with each one having a template that points to a different subnet.
How can I find a list of available AMIs?
- Install the AWS CLI.
$ sudo pip install awscli
- Configure the AWS CLI.
$ aws configure
Follow the prompts. Choose any output format. The following example command defines table as the format.
- Run the following query:
aws ec2 describe-images \ --output table \ --query 'Images[*].[VirtualizationType,Name,ImageId]' \ --owners 309956199498 \ --filters \ Name=root-device-type,Values=ebs \ Name=image-type,Values=machine \ Name=is-public,Values=true \ Name=hypervisor,Values=xen \ Name=architecture,Values=x86_64
AWS returns a table of available images in the region you configured.