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Activity, Application, and Query Reports
(291 words:
(193 words:
Adding a Hue Service and Role Instance
(707 words:
Adding and Configuring an NFS Gateway
(1689 words:
Adding and Removing Storage Directories for DataNodes
(324 words:
Adding HttpFS
(533 words:
Adding Schema to Oozie Using Cloudera Manager
(684 words:
Adding the Oozie Service Using Cloudera Manager
(236 words:
Administering Hue
(778 words:
(372 words:
Audit Events
(915 words:
Auditing Impala Operations
(1060 words:
Auditing Impala Operations
(1061 words:
(4519 words:
Backup and Disaster Recovery
(476 words:
Changing a Nameservice Name for Highly Available HDFS Using Cloudera Manager
(410 words:
Charting Time-Series Data
(2248 words:
Checking and Repairing HBase Tables
(1047 words:
Choosing a Data Compression Format
(726 words:
Cloudera Administration
(212 words:
Cloudera Data Management
(730 words:
Cloudera Management Service
(1761 words:
Cloudera Manager Administration
(170 words:
Cloudera Manager Events
(427 words:
Cloudera Navigator Data Management Component Administration
(245 words:
Cloudera Navigator Metadata Server
(2326 words:
Cloudera Operation
(215 words:
Cloudera Release Notes
(433 words:
Cloudera Security
(275 words:
Cluster-Wide Configuration
(419 words:
Comparing Configurations for a Service Between Clusters
(444 words:
Comparing Similar Activities
(548 words:
Components of the Impala Server
(1229 words:
Configuration Settings for HBase
(2186 words:
Configuring Cloudera Manager for High Availability With a Load Balancer
(382 words:
Configuring HBase MultiWAL Support
(459 words:
Configuring Hive on Spark
(1067 words:
Configuring Impala Delegation for Hue and BI Tools
(609 words:
Configuring Monitoring Settings
(2884 words:
Configuring Oozie Data Purge Settings Using Cloudera Manager
(356 words:
Configuring Short-Circuit Reads
(461 words:
Configuring SSL for Impala
(742 words:
Configuring Storage-Balancing for DataNodes
(523 words:
Configuring the Blocksize for HBase
(595 words:
Configuring the HBase BlockCache
(2598 words:
Configuring the HBase Canary
(472 words:
Configuring the Sentry Service
(2079 words:
Controlling Impala Resource Usage
(433 words:
Copying Data between two Clusters Using distcp
(1162 words:
CREATE ROLE Statement (CDH 5.2 or higher only)
(370 words:
(1248 words:
Database High Availability Configuration
(356 words:
(167 words:
Deploying HBase on a Cluster
(641 words:
Detecting and Correcting HDFS Block Skew Conditions
(1104 words:
Disk Usage Reports
(926 words:
Displaying Cloudera Manager Documentation
(264 words:
Displaying the Cloudera Manager Server Version and Server Time
(185 words:
Downloading HDFS Directory Access Permission Reports
(188 words:
DROP ROLE Statement (CDH 5.2 or higher only)
(371 words:
Dynamic Resource Pools
(3808 words:
Enabling Hue Applications Using Cloudera Manager
(730 words:
Enabling Kerberos Authentication for Impala
(1241 words:
Enabling LDAP Authentication for Impala
(1363 words:
Enabling Sentry Authorization for Impala
(5412 words:
Enabling the Oozie Web Console
(479 words:
Event Server Health Tests
(1956 words:
Event Server Metrics
(676 words:
(1108 words:
EXPLAIN Statement
(1368 words:
(1851 words:
Extending Cloudera Manager
(234 words:
GRANT Statement (CDH 5.2 or higher only)
(519 words:
Guidelines for Designing Impala Schemas
(1286 words:
HBASE Category
(473 words:
HBase Online Merge
(418 words:
HBase Read Replicas
(1659 words:
HDFS Balancers
(930 words:
Health Tests
(811 words:
(996 words:
Hedged Reads
(518 words:
High Availability
(214 words:
High-Level Steps to Configure Cloudera Manager High Availability
(261 words:
Hive Metastore High Availability
(894 words:
Host Details
(1706 words:
Host Inspector
(594 words:
How Impala Fits Into the Hadoop Ecosystem
(873 words:
Hue and High Availability
(207 words:
Impala Administration
(364 words:
Impala Authentication
(367 words:
Impala Installation
(494 words:
Impala Lineage Properties
(499 words:
(Release Notes)
Impala Requirements
(1405 words:
(Release Notes)
Impala Requirements
(1402 words:
Impala Resource Management
(285 words:
Impala Web User Interface for Debugging
(1389 words:
Installation Considerations for Impala Security
(225 words:
Installing Impala without Cloudera Manager
(842 words:
Integrated Resource Management with YARN
(2095 words:
Introduction to Cloudera Manager Deployment Architecture
(406 words:
Introduction to Cloudera Manager Monitoring
(800 words:
JobTracker Metrics
(1008 words:
(913 words:
(177 words:
Maintaining a ZooKeeper Server
(337 words:
Managing Alerts
(389 words:
Managing and Monitoring Federated HDFS
(362 words:
Managing CDH and Managed Services
(276 words:
Managing CDH and Managed Services Using Cloudera Manager
(202 words:
Managing CDH from the Command Line
(376 words:
Managing Cloudera Manager Server and Agent Logs
(605 words:
Managing Clusters
(285 words:
Managing Disk Space for Impala Data
(952 words:
Managing Federated Nameservices
(1332 words:
Managing Flume
(1177 words:
Managing HBase
(1266 words:
Managing HBase Snapshots
(4299 words:
Managing HDFS
(216 words:
Managing HDFS Snapshots
(1156 words:
Managing Hive
(740 words:
Managing Hive Using Cloudera Manager
(1013 words:
Managing Hosts
(837 words:
Managing Hue
(214 words:
Managing Hue Analytics Data Collection
(288 words:
Managing Impala
(241 words:
Managing Impala Admission Control
(873 words:
Managing Individual Services
(222 words:
Managing Isilon
(1808 words:
Managing Key Trustee Server Organizations
(1054 words:
Managing Key-Value Store Indexer
(771 words:
Managing Licenses
(1813 words:
Managing MapReduce
(776 words:
Managing MapReduce and YARN
(1151 words:
Managing Oozie
(210 words:
Managing Resources with Cloudera Manager
(175 words:
Managing Roles
(613 words:
Managing Services
(369 words:
Managing Software Installation
(446 words:
Managing Solr
(765 words:
Managing Spark
(462 words:
Managing Spark Using Cloudera Manager
(415 words:
Managing Sqoop 2
(303 words:
Managing the Cloudera Manager Server and Agents
(253 words:
Managing the HBase Service
(205 words:
Managing the Impala Llama ApplicationMaster
(724 words:
Managing the Navigator Key HSM Service
(296 words:
Managing the Spark History Server
(487 words:
Managing the Sqoop 1 Client
(514 words:
Managing User-Defined Functions (UDFs) with HiveServer2
(1507 words:
Managing Users and Groups for the Cloudera Navigator Data Management Component
(700 words:
Managing YARN
(1648 words:
Managing ZooKeeper
(398 words:
Metric Aggregation
(1190 words:
Migrating Data between Clusters Using distcp
(227 words:
Modifying Impala Startup Options
(1850 words:
Monitoring Activities
(271 words:
Monitoring and Diagnostics
(234 words:
Monitoring Clusters
(937 words:
Monitoring Hosts
(598 words:
Monitoring Impala Queries
(2516 words:
Monitoring MapReduce Jobs
(481 words:
Monitoring Resource Management
(897 words:
Monitoring Service Status
(727 words:
Monitoring Services
(274 words:
Monitoring Spark Applications
(326 words:
Monitoring YARN Applications
(1704 words:
Moving NameNode Roles
(1054 words:
Optimizing Performance in CDH
(1295 words:
Overview of Impala Security
(791 words:
(4032 words:
Performance Management
(192 words:
Performing Disk Hot Swap for DataNodes
(856 words:
Periodic Stacks Collection
(785 words:
Planning for Impala Deployment
(203 words:
Ports Used by Impala
(506 words:
Post-Installation Configuration for Impala
(818 words:
Post-migration Verification
(205 words:
(Release Notes)
Prerequisites for Setting up Cloudera Manager High Availability
(588 words:
Query Details
(505 words:
QuickStart VM Administrative Information
(413 words:
Redeploying the Oozie ShareLib
(334 words:
(319 words:
Resource Management
(1175 words:
REVOKE Statement (CDH 5.2 or higher only)
(426 words:
Role Groups
(837 words:
Running Diagnostic Commands for Roles
(343 words:
Running Hive on Spark
(228 words:
Running Spark Applications on Spark Standalone
(376 words:
Scheduling in Oozie Using Cron-like Syntax
(1111 words:
Securing Impala Data and Log Files
(497 words:
Securing the Hive Metastore Database
(241 words:
Securing the Impala Web User Interface
(774 words:
Security Guidelines for Impala
(593 words:
Sending Usage and Diagnostic Data to Cloudera
(1686 words:
Setting HDFS Quotas
(740 words:
Setting the Oozie Database Timezone
(288 words:
Setting Timeout Periods for Daemons, Queries, and Sessions
(911 words:
Starting and Stopping HBase
(775 words:
Starting and Stopping HBase Using the Command Line
(430 words:
Starting Impala
(574 words:
Step 1: Setting Up Hosts and the Load Balancer
(1620 words:
Step 2: Installing and Configuring Cloudera Manager Server for High Availability
(1473 words:
Step 3: Installing and Configuring Cloudera Management Service for High Availability
(1648 words:
Step 4: Automating Failover with Corosync and Pacemaker
(2573 words:
SYSTEM Category
(200 words:
Task Attempts
(829 words:
Testing Impala Performance
(691 words:
The File Browser
(596 words:
The Impala Service
(1303 words:
The Processes Tab
(300 words:
The Sentry Service
(1727 words:
Time Line
(1005 words:
TLS and Kerberos Configuration for Cloudera Manager High Availability
(603 words:
(1523 words:
Troubleshooting Cluster Configuration and Operation
(1229 words:
Troubleshooting Hive on Spark
(482 words:
Troubleshooting Impala
(1588 words:
tsquery Language
(3153 words:
Tuning Spark Applications
(319 words:
Understanding Impala Query Performance - EXPLAIN Plans and Query Profiles
(2926 words:
Upgrading Impala
(1492 words:
Using an External Database for Hue
(231 words:
Using Antivirus Software on CDH Hosts
(319 words:
Using HDFS Caching with Impala (CDH 5.1 or higher only)
(3205 words:
Using Impala Logging
(1928 words:
Using Impala through a Proxy for High Availability
(1882 words:
Using Impala with Isilon Storage
(826 words:
Using MapReduce with HBase
(252 words:
Using Multiple Authentication Methods with Impala
(285 words:
Viewing Activity Details in a Report Format
(355 words:
Viewing and Filtering MapReduce Activities
(1510 words:
Viewing and Reverting Configuration Changes
(664 words:
Viewing Charts for Cluster, Service, Role, and Host Instances
(930 words:
Viewing Cloudera Manager Server and Agent Logs
(350 words:
Viewing Lineage Information for Impala Data
(732 words:
Viewing Role Instance Status
(881 words:
Viewing Running and Recent Commands
(1138 words:
Viewing Service Instance Details
(930 words:
Viewing Service Status
(1726 words:
Viewing the Distribution of Task Attempts
(687 words:
Viewing the Jobs in a Pig, Oozie, or Hive Activity
(414 words:
Work Preserving Recovery for YARN Components
(844 words: