Managing CDH from the Command Line
The following sections provide instructions and information on managing core Hadoop.
For installation and upgrade instructions, see the installation.html#xd_583c10bfdbd326ba--5a52cca-1476e7473cd--7fdb guide, which also contains initial deployment and configuration instructions for core Hadoop and the CDH components, including:
- Cluster configuration and maintenance:
- Avro Usage
- Flume configuration
- HBase configuration:
- HCatalog configuration
- Impala configuration
- Hive configuration:
- HttpFS configuration
- Hue: Configuring CDH Components for Hue
- Oozie configuration:
- Parquet: Using the Parquet File Format with Impala, Hive, Pig, and MapReduce
- Snappy:
- Spark configuration:
- Sqoop configuration:
- ZooKeeper: Maintaining a ZooKeeper Server