Host Metrics

Metric Name Description Unit CDH Version
agent_cpu_system_rate Cloudera Manager Agent System CPU Time seconds per second n/a
agent_cpu_user_rate Cloudera Manager Agent User CPU Time seconds per second n/a
agent_fd_max Cloudera Manager Agent File Descriptor Max file descriptors n/a
agent_fd_open Cloudera Manager Agent File Descriptors file descriptors n/a
agent_physical_memory_used Agent physical memory used bytes n/a
agent_virtual_memory_used Agent virtual memory used bytes n/a
alerts_rate The number of alerts. events per second n/a
clock_offset Clock offset as reported by the host's NTP service from 'ntpdc -np'. If NTP is not in use, this metric will not be collected. ms n/a
cores Logical CPU Cores cores n/a
cpu_guest_nice_rate Time spent running a niced guest (virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel). Requires Linux 2.6.33. CPU guest nice time is included in CPU nice time. seconds per second n/a
cpu_guest_rate Time spent running a virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel. Requires Linux 2.6.24. CPU guest time is included in CPU user time. seconds per second n/a
cpu_idle_rate Total CPU idle time seconds per second n/a
cpu_iowait_rate Total CPU iowait time seconds per second n/a
cpu_irq_rate Total CPU IRQ time seconds per second n/a
cpu_nice_rate Total CPU nice time seconds per second n/a
cpu_percent Total CPU usage of the host (averaged since last report) percent n/a
cpu_soft_irq_rate Total CPU soft IRQ time seconds per second n/a
cpu_steal_rate Stolen time, which is the time spent in other operating systems when running in a virtualized environment. Requires Linux 2.6.11. seconds per second n/a
cpu_system_rate Total System CPU seconds per second n/a
cpu_user_rate Total CPU user time seconds per second n/a
dns_name_resolution_duration The duration of a call to InetAddress.getLocalHost() in a helper java process run by the Cloudera Manager Agent. ms n/a
events_critical_rate The number of critical events. events per second n/a
events_important_rate The number of important events. events per second n/a
events_informational_rate The number of informational events. events per second n/a
fd_max Maximum number of file descriptors file descriptors n/a
fd_open Open file descriptors. file descriptors n/a
health_bad_rate Percentage of Time with Bad Health seconds per second n/a
health_concerning_rate Percentage of Time with Concerning Health seconds per second n/a
health_disabled_rate Percentage of Time with Disabled Health seconds per second n/a
health_good_rate Percentage of Time with Good Health seconds per second n/a
health_unknown_rate Percentage of Time with Unknown Health seconds per second n/a
load_1 Load Average over 1 minute load average n/a
load_15 Load Average over 15 minute load average n/a
load_5 Load Average over 5 minutes load average n/a
physical_memory_buffers Physical Memory Used for Buffers bytes n/a
physical_memory_cached Physical Memory Used for Caches bytes n/a
physical_memory_dirty The total amount of memory waiting to be written back to the disk. bytes n/a
physical_memory_dirty_ratio Maximum percentage of physical memory that can be filled with dirty pages before processes are forced to write dirty buffers themselves during their time slice instead of being allowed to perform more writes. percent n/a
physical_memory_mapped The total amount of memory which has been used to map devices, files, or libraries using the mmap command. bytes n/a
physical_memory_memfree The amount of physical memory left unused by the system. bytes n/a
physical_memory_total Physical memory capacity bytes n/a
physical_memory_used Physical Memory Used (doesn't include buffers or caches) bytes n/a
physical_memory_writeback The total amount of memory actively being written back to the disk. bytes n/a
slow_mode Whether the network interface appears to be operating at less than full speed network interfaces n/a
supervisord_cpu_system_rate Supervisord System CPU Time seconds per second n/a
supervisord_cpu_user_rate Supervisord User CPU Time seconds per second n/a
supervisord_failures_rate The number of failures contacting supervisord seen by the Cloudera Manager Agent failures per second n/a
supervisord_fd_max Supervisord File Descriptor Max file descriptors n/a
supervisord_fd_open Supervisord File Descriptors file descriptors n/a
supervisord_latency The average latency contacting supervisord seen by the Cloudera Manager Agent seconds n/a
supervisord_physical_memory_used Supervisord physical memory used bytes n/a
supervisord_virtual_memory_used Supervisord virtual memory used bytes n/a
swap_free Swap free bytes n/a
swap_out_rate Memory swapped out to disk pages per second n/a
swap_total Swap capacity bytes n/a
swap_used Swap used bytes n/a
tcp_connection_count_close The number of TCP connections in state CLOSE connections n/a
tcp_connection_count_close_wait The number of TCP connections in state CLOSE_WAIT connections n/a
tcp_connection_count_closing The number of TCP connections in state CLOSING connections n/a
tcp_connection_count_established The number of TCP connections in state ESTABLISHED connections n/a
tcp_connection_count_fin_wait1 The number of TCP connections in state FIN_WAIT1 connections n/a
tcp_connection_count_fin_wait2 The number of TCP connections in state FIN_WAIT2 connections n/a
tcp_connection_count_last_ack The number of TCP connections in state LAST_ACK connections n/a
tcp_connection_count_listen The number of TCP connections in state LISTEN connections n/a
tcp_connection_count_syn_recv The number of TCP connections in state SYN_RECV connections n/a
tcp_connection_count_syn_sent The number of TCP connections in state SYN_SENT connections n/a
tcp_connection_count_time_wait The number of TCP connections in state TIME_WAIT connections n/a