Java KeyStore KMS Properties in CDH 5.3.0



Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Key Management Server Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) For advanced use only, key-value pairs (one on each line) to be inserted into a role's environment. Applies to configurations of this role except client configuration. KMS_role_env_safety_valve false
Key Management Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for core-site.xml For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into core-site.xml for this role only. core-site.xml_role_safety_valve false
Key Management Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for kms-acls.xml For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into kms-acls.xml for this role only. kms-acls.xml_role_safety_valve false
Key Management Server Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for kms-site.xml For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into kms-site.xml for this role only. kms-site.xml_role_safety_valve false
Key Management Server Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) For advanced use only, a string to be inserted into for this role only. log4j_safety_valve false
Automatically Restart Process When set, this role's process is automatically (and transparently) restarted in the event of an unexpected failure. false process_auto_restart true


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Key Management Server Log Directory The log directory for log files of the role Key Management Server. log.dir /var/log/hadoop-kms log_dir false
Key Management Server Logging Threshold The minimum log level for Key Management Server logs INFO log_threshold false
Key Management Server Maximum Log File Backups The maximum number of rolled log files to keep for Key Management Server logs. Typically used by log4j or logback. 10 max_log_backup_index false
Key Management Server Max Log Size The maximum size, in megabytes, per log file for Key Management Server logs. Typically used by log4j or logback. 200 MiB max_log_size false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Enable Health Alerts for this Role When set, Cloudera Manager will send alerts when the health of this role reaches the threshold specified by the EventServer setting eventserver_health_events_alert_threshold true enable_alerts false
Enable Configuration Change Alerts When set, Cloudera Manager will send alerts when this entity's configuration changes. false enable_config_alerts false
File Descriptor Monitoring Thresholds The health test thresholds of the number of file descriptors used. Specified as a percentage of file descriptor limit. Warning: 50.0 %, Critical: 70.0 % kms_fd_thresholds false
Key Management Server Host Health Test When computing the overall Key Management Server health, consider the host's health. true kms_host_health_enabled false
Key Management Server Process Health Test Enables the health test that the Key Management Server's process state is consistent with the role configuration true kms_scm_health_enabled false
Process Swap Memory Thresholds The health test thresholds on the swap memory usage of the process. Warning: Any, Critical: Never process_swap_memory_thresholds false
Role Triggers The configured triggers for this role. This is a JSON formatted list of triggers. These triggers are evaluated as part as the health system. Every trigger expression is parsed, and if the trigger condition is met, the list of actions provided in the trigger expression is executed. Each trigger has all of the following fields:
  • triggerName (mandatory) - The name of the trigger. This value must be unique for the specific role.
  • triggerExpression (mandatory) - A tsquery expression representing the trigger.
  • streamThreshold (optional) - The maximum number of streams that can satisfy a condition of a trigger before the condition fires. By default set to 0, and any stream returned causes the condition to fire.
  • enabled (optional) - By default set to 'true'. If set to 'false', the trigger will not be evaluated.
  • expressionEditorConfig (optional) - Metadata for the trigger editor. If present, the trigger should only be edited from the Edit Trigger page; editing the trigger here may lead to inconsistencies.
For example, the following JSON formatted trigger configured for a DataNode fires if the DataNode has more than 1500 file-descriptors opened:[{"triggerName": "sample-trigger", "triggerExpression": "IF (SELECT fd_open WHERE roleName=$ROLENAME and last(fd_open) > 1500) DO health:bad", "streamThreshold": 0, "enabled": "true"}]See the trigger rules documentation for more details on how to write triggers using tsquery.The JSON format is evolving and may change in the future and, as a result, backward compatibility is not guaranteed between releases at this time.
[] role_triggers true
Unexpected Exits Thresholds The health test thresholds for unexpected exits encountered within a recent period specified by the unexpected_exits_window configuration for the role. Warning: Never, Critical: Any unexpected_exits_thresholds false
Unexpected Exits Monitoring Period The period to review when computing unexpected exits. 5 minute(s) unexpected_exits_window false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
HTTP Proxy User Groups Allows the HTTP superuser to impersonate any members of a comma-delimited list of groups. The default '*' allows all groups. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a group name, such as '_no_group_'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.HTTP.groups * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_HTTP_groups false
HTTP Proxy User Hosts Comma-delimited list of hosts where you want to allow the HTTP user to impersonate other users. The default '*' allows all hosts. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a host name, such as '_no_host'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.HTTP.hosts * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_HTTP_hosts false
Flume Proxy User Groups Allows the flume superuser to impersonate any members of a comma-delimited list of groups. The default '*' allows all groups. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a group name, such as '_no_group_'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.flume.groups * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_flume_groups false
Flume Proxy User Hosts Comma-delimited list of hosts where you want to allow the flume user to impersonate other users. The default '*' allows all hosts. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a host name, such as '_no_host'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.flume.hosts * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_flume_hosts false
HDFS Proxy User Groups Allows the hdfs superuser to impersonate any members of a comma-delimited list of groups. The default '*' allows all groups. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a group name, such as '_no_group_'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.hdfs.groups * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_hdfs_groups false
HDFS Proxy User Hosts Comma-delimited list of hosts where you want to allow the hdfs user to impersonate other users. The default '*' allows all hosts. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a host name, such as '_no_host'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.hdfs.hosts * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_hdfs_hosts false
Hive Proxy User Groups Allows the hive superuser to impersonate any members of a comma-delimited list of groups. The default '*' allows all groups. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a group name, such as '_no_group_'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.hive.groups * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_hive_groups false
Hive Proxy User Hosts Comma-delimited list of hosts where you want to allow the hive user to impersonate other users. The default '*' allows all hosts. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a host name, such as '_no_host'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.hive.hosts * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_hive_hosts false
HttpFS Proxy User Groups Allows the httpfs superuser to impersonate any members of a comma-delimited list of groups. The default '*' allows all groups. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a group name, such as '_no_group_'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.httpfs.groups * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_httpfs_groups false
HttpFS Proxy User Hosts Comma-delimited list of hosts where you want to allow the httpfs user to impersonate other users. The default '*' allows all hosts. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a host name, such as '_no_host'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.httpfs.hosts * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_httpfs_hosts false
Hue Proxy User Groups Allows the hue superuser to impersonate any members of a comma-delimited list of groups. The default '*' allows all groups. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a group name, such as '_no_group_'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.hue.groups * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_hue_groups false
Hue Proxy User Hosts Comma-delimited list of hosts where you want to allow the hue user to impersonate other users. The default '*' allows all hosts. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a host name, such as '_no_host'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.hue.hosts * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_hue_hosts false
Mapred Proxy User Groups Allows the mapred superuser to impersonate any members of a comma-delimited list of groups. The default '*' allows all groups. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a group name, such as '_no_group_'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.mapred.groups * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_mapred_groups false
Mapred Proxy User Hosts Comma-delimited list of hosts where you want to allow the mapred user to impersonate other users. The default '*' allows all hosts. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a host name, such as '_no_host'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.mapred.hosts * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_mapred_hosts false
Oozie Proxy User Groups Allows the oozie superuser to impersonate any members of a comma-delimited list of groups. The default '*' allows all groups. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a group name, such as '_no_group_'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.oozie.groups * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_oozie_groups false
Oozie Proxy User Hosts Comma-delimited list of hosts where you want to allow the oozie user to impersonate other users. The default '*' allows all hosts. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a host name, such as '_no_host'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.oozie.hosts * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_oozie_hosts false
YARN Proxy User Groups Allows the yarn superuser to impersonate any members of a comma-delimited list of groups. The default '*' allows all groups. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a group name, such as '_no_group_'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.yarn.groups * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_yarn_groups false
YARN Proxy User Hosts Comma-delimited list of hosts where you want to allow the yarn user to impersonate other users. The default '*' allows all hosts. To disable entirely, use a string that doesn't correspond to a host name, such as '_no_host'. hadoop.kms.proxyuser.yarn.hosts * hadoop_kms_proxyuser_yarn_hosts false
JavaKeyStoreProvider Directory Directory of the keystore file kms.keystore used by JavaKeyStoreProvider that backs the KMS. hadoop.kms.key.provider.uri /var/lib/kms hadoop_security_key_provider_dir true
JavaKeyStoreProvider Password The password for the JavaKeyStoreProvider keystore file. hadoop_security_keystore_javaKeyStoreProvider_password false
KMS Blacklist Users A comma-separated list of users (no spaces) for whom to disallow access to key material. These users can still fetch key metadata and create encrypted encryption keys, but are unable to do any other KMS operations. Typically, HDFS superusers will be specified here. kms_blacklist_users kms_blacklist_users false
KMS Heap Size Maximum heap size of the KMS. kms_heap_size 1 GiB kms_heap_size true
KMS Max Threads Maximum number of threads used to handle KMS requests. kms_max_threads 250 kms_max_threads false
KMS Staging Directory Directory where configuration and binaries are staged before starting KMS. Does not normally need to be modified. kms_staging_dir /var/lib/hadoop-kms kms_staging_dir true


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Maximum Process File Descriptors If configured, overrides the process soft and hard rlimits (also called ulimits) for file descriptors to the configured value. rlimit_fds false

Ports and Addresses

Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
KMS Admin Port Port used to access the KMS' embedded Tomcat admin console. kms_admin_port 16001 kms_admin_port true
KMS HTTP Port Port used by clients to interact with the KMS. kms_http_port 16000 kms_http_port true

Resource Management

Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Cgroup CPU Shares Number of CPU shares to assign to this role. The greater the number of shares, the larger the share of the host's CPUs that will be given to this role when the host experiences CPU contention. Must be between 2 and 262144. Defaults to 1024 for processes not managed by Cloudera Manager. cpu.shares 1024 rm_cpu_shares true
Cgroup I/O Weight Weight for the read I/O requests issued by this role. The greater the weight, the higher the priority of the requests when the host experiences I/O contention. Must be between 100 and 1000. Defaults to 1000 for processes not managed by Cloudera Manager. blkio.weight 500 rm_io_weight true
Cgroup Memory Hard Limit Hard memory limit to assign to this role, enforced by the Linux kernel. When the limit is reached, the kernel will reclaim pages charged to the process. If reclaiming fails, the kernel may kill the process. Both anonymous as well as page cache pages contribute to the limit. Use a value of -1 B to specify no limit. By default processes not managed by Cloudera Manager will have no limit. memory.limit_in_bytes -1 MiB rm_memory_hard_limit true
Cgroup Memory Soft Limit Soft memory limit to assign to this role, enforced by the Linux kernel. When the limit is reached, the kernel will reclaim pages charged to the process if and only if the host is facing memory pressure. If reclaiming fails, the kernel may kill the process. Both anonymous as well as page cache pages contribute to the limit. Use a value of -1 B to specify no limit. By default processes not managed by Cloudera Manager will have no limit. memory.soft_limit_in_bytes -1 MiB rm_memory_soft_limit true


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Enable TLS/SSL for Key Management Server Encrypt communication between clients and Key Management Server using Transport Layer Security (TLS) (formerly known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL)). false ssl_enabled false
Key Management Server TLS/SSL Server JKS Keystore File Location The path to the TLS/SSL keystore file containing the server certificate and private key used for TLS/SSL. Used when Key Management Server is acting as a TLS/SSL server. The keystore must be in JKS format. ssl_server_keystore_location false
Key Management Server TLS/SSL Server JKS Keystore File Password The password for the Key Management Server JKS keystore file. ssl_server_keystore_password false



Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Java KeyStore KMS Service Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) For advanced use only, key-value pairs (one on each line) to be inserted into a role's environment. Applies to configurations of all roles in this service except client configuration. KMS_service_env_safety_valve false
System Group The group that this service's processes should run as. kms process_groupname true
System User The user that this service's processes should run as. kms process_username true


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Enable Service Level Health Alerts When set, Cloudera Manager will send alerts when the health of this service reaches the threshold specified by the EventServer setting eventserver_health_events_alert_threshold true enable_alerts false
Enable Configuration Change Alerts When set, Cloudera Manager will send alerts when this entity's configuration changes. false enable_config_alerts false
Service Triggers The configured triggers for this service. This is a JSON formatted list of triggers. These triggers are evaluated as part as the health system. Every trigger expression is parsed, and if the trigger condition is met, the list of actions provided in the trigger expression is executed. Each trigger has all of the following fields:
  • triggerName (mandatory) - The name of the trigger. This value must be unique for the specific service.
  • triggerExpression (mandatory) - A tsquery expression representing the trigger.
  • streamThreshold (optional) - The maximum number of streams that can satisfy a condition of a trigger before the condition fires. By default set to 0, and any stream returned causes the condition to fire.
  • enabled (optional) - By default set to 'true'. If set to 'false', the trigger will not be evaluated.
  • expressionEditorConfig (optional) - Metadata for the trigger editor. If present, the trigger should only be edited from the Edit Trigger page; editing the trigger here may lead to inconsistencies.
For example, the followig JSON formatted trigger fires if there are more than 10 DataNodes with more than 500 file-descriptors opened:[{"triggerName": "sample-trigger", "triggerExpression": "IF (SELECT fd_open WHERE roleType = DataNode and last(fd_open) > 500) DO health:bad", "streamThreshold": 10, "enabled": "true"}]See the trigger rules documentation for more details on how to write triggers using tsquery.The JSON format is evolving and may change in the future and, as a result, backward compatibility is not guaranteed between releases at this time.
[] service_triggers true
Service Monitor Derived Configs Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) For advanced use only, a list of derived configuration properties that will be used by the Service Monitor instead of the default ones. smon_derived_configs_safety_valve false


Display Name Description Related Name Default Value API Name Required
Authentication Type Authentication type for the KMS. Can either be "simple" or "kerberos". hadoop.kms.authentication.type simple hadoop_kms_authentication_type true