Issues Fixed in Cloudera Distribution of Apache Kafka 1.3.2
- KAFKA-1057: Trim whitespaces from user specified configs
- KAFKA-1641: Log cleaner exits if last cleaned offset is lower than earliest offset
- KAFKA-1702: Messages silently lost by the (old) producer
- KAFKA-1758: corrupt recovery file prevents startup
- KAFKA-1836: set to zero blocks forever
- KAFKA-1866: LogStartOffset gauge throws exceptions after log.delete()
- KAFKA-1883: NullPointerException in RequestSendThread
- KAFKA-1896: Record size function of record in mirror maker hit NPE when the message value is null.
- KAFKA-2012: Broker should automatically handle corrupt index files
- KAFKA-2096: Enable keepalive socket option for broker to prevent socket leak
- KAFKA-2114: Unable to set default min.insync.replicas
- KAFKA-2189: Snappy compression of message batches less efficient in
- KAFKA-2234: Partition reassignment of a nonexistent topic prevents future reassignments
- KAFKA-2235: LogCleaner offset map overflow
- KAFKA-2336: Changing offsets.topic.num.partitions after the offset topic is created breaks consumer group partition assignment
- KAFKA-2393: Correctly Handle InvalidTopicException in KafkaApis.getTopicMetadata()
- KAFKA-2406: ISR propagation should be throttled to avoid overwhelming controller
- KAFKA-2407: Only create a log directory when it will be used
- KAFKA-2437: Fix ZookeeperLeaderElector to handle node deletion correctly
- KAFKA-2468: SIGINT during Kafka server startup can leave server deadlocked
- KAFKA-2504: Stop logging WARN when client disconnects