Issues Fixed in Cloudera Distribution of Apache Kafka 2.0.2
- KAFKA-3495: NetworkClient.blockingSendAndReceive should rely on requestTimeout.
- KAFKA-2998: Log warnings when client is disconnected from bootstrap brokers.
- KAFKA-3488: Avoid failing of unsent requests in consumer where possible.
- KAFKA-3528: Handle wakeups while rebalancing more gracefully.
- KAFKA-3594: After calling MemoryRecords.close() method, hasRoomFor() method should return false.
- KAFKA-3602: Rename RecordAccumulator dequeFor() and ensure proper usage.
- KAFKA-3789: Upgrade Snappy to fix Snappy decompression errors.
- KAFKA-3830: getTGT() debug logging exposes confidential information.
- KAFKA-3840: Allow clients default OS buffer sizes.
- KAFKA-3691: Confusing logging during metadata update timeout.
- KAFKA-3810: Replication of internal topics should not be limited by replica.fetch.max.bytes.
- KAFKA-3854: Fix issues with new consumer's subsequent regex (pattern) subscriptions.