Issues Fixed in CDK 3.0.0 Powered By Apache Kafka
- KAFKA-5600:Group loading regression causing stale metadata/offsets cache: when a __consumer_offsets partition gets segmented, and Kafka is restarted and offsets are reloaded, consumers start at a wrong position if metadata and offset events are in both segments.
- KAFKA-5506: Add system test for connector failure/restartFix NPE in OffsetFetchRequest.toString and logging improvements.
- KAFKA-5522: ListOffsets should bound timestamp search by LSO in read_committed.
- KAFKA-5556: Fix IllegalStateException in KafkaConsumer.commitSync due to missing future completion check.
- KAFKA-5584: Fix integer overflow in Log.size.
- KAFKA-5611: AbstractCoordinator should handle wakeup raised from onJoinComplete.
- KAFKA-5630: Consumer should block on corrupt records and keep throwing an exception.
- KAFKA-5634: Do not allow segment deletion beyond high watermark.
- KAFKA-5658: Fix AdminClient request timeout handling bug resulting in continual BrokerNotAvailableExceptions.
- KAFKA-5700: Producer should not drop header information when splitting batches.
- KAFKA-5737: KafkaAdminClient thread should be daemon.
- KAFKA-5752: Update index files correctly during async delete.