Uninstalling the Cloudera Connector for Netezza
You can use one of the following ways to uninstall the Sqoop connectors for Netezza:
- If your CDH 5 cluster is managed by Cloudera Manager 5, see Uninstallation with CDH 5 and Cloudera Manager 5.
- If your cluster is not managed by Cloudera Manager, see Uninstallation without Cloudera Manager.
Uninstallation with CDH 5 and Cloudera Manager 5
Perform the following steps to uninstall the Cloudera Connector for Netezza using Cloudera Manager 5:
- Remove the Sqoop Connector parcels:
- In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, click Hosts in the top navigation bar and then go to the Parcels tab. Parcels for the Sqoop connectors are listed on this page, prefixed by "SQOOP_", followed by the name of the connector.
- The Sqoop connectors are listed as Activated. To deactivate a parcel, click Actions on an activated parcel and select Deactivate.
- To remove the parcel, click the down arrow to the right of the Activate button and select Remove from Hosts.
- Redeploy the client configuration:
- In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, go to the Sqoop Client service.
- From the Actions menu at the top right of the service page, select Deploy Client Configuration.
- Click Deploy Client Configuration to confirm redeployment of the client configuration.
Uninstallation without Cloudera Manager
To remove the Cloudera Connector for Netezza, delete the connectors file from managers.d directory located under the Sqoop configuration directory, and remove the files from the connectors distribution. You should also remove the JDBC driver for Netezza that you copied to the lib directory of Sqoop installation.