Performing a Cloudera Runtime upgrade [Technical Preview]

Learn how to perform a rolling and a non-rolling Cloudera Runtime upgrade for your existing Cloudera Operational Database (COD) in the CDP environment.

  • You need to use the CDP beta CLI and run the upgrade-database command to upgrade your database.
  • Currently, rolling Cloudera Runtime upgrade is supported for COD clusters whose storage is selected as HDFS or cloud without ephemeral storage.
  • Zero downtime upgrade or rolling upgrade is not supported on Micro COD clusters.
  • It is recommended not to perform backups or run YARN jobs during COD upgrade operations.
  • You must have the ODAdmin rights to make changes to the COD database.
  • In the Cloudera Manager, increase the Region Mover Threads property for the HBase service to 30 for a faster rolling upgrade.
  • In the Cloudera Manager, increase the Omid Max Heapsize property for the Omid service to at least 3GB.
  • You must download and install the latest CDP CLI beta version.
  1. Launch the CDP CLI tool.
  2. Run the following command to check the available Cloudera Runtime upgrades.

    cdp datahub upgrade-cluster --cluster-name <cod-internal-name> --show-latest-available-image-per-runtime

    Following is a sample output where a runtime upgrade is possible from 7.2.17 to 7.2.17.x (hotfix upgrade).

    Validate the output that upgradeCandidates contains, which highlights a different upgrade target compared to the current one.

        "current": {
            "imageName": "ami-0b9adbe77c66a2277",
            "imageId": "0df7887b-a841-4569-aab5-269041a015eb",
            "imageCatalogName": "cdp-default",
            "created": 1694041314,
            "componentVersions": {
                "cm": "7.11.0",
                "cmGBN": "42373020",
                "cdp": "7.2.17",
                "cdpGBN": "42350016",
                "os": "centos7",
                "osPatchLevel": "2023-09-06"
        "upgradeCandidates": [
                "imageName": "ami-0ac26feaf1ae4f9e8",
                "imageId": "42e762f0-9731-4056-83b0-b9e7bbe7c5fb",
                "imageCatalogName": "cdp-default",
                "created": 1694777926,
                "componentVersions": {
                    "cm": "7.11.0",
                    "cmGBN": "44461729",
                    "cdp": "7.2.17",
                    "cdpGBN": "44441663",
                    "os": "centos7",
                    "osPatchLevel": "2023-09-15"
        "reason": ""
  3. Run the following command to perform a rolling Cloudera Runtime upgrade for the database.

    The following command upgrades the Cloudera Runtime for the operational database using the rolling restart mode that ensures continuous service availability.

    cdp opdb upgrade-database --environment <environment-name> --database <database-name> [--runtime <runtime-version> | --image <imageId>] --rolling-upgrade

    Option Description
    --environment (string) The name or CRN of the environment.
    --database <value> The name or CRN of the database.
    --runtime <value> The 3-digit runtime version to upgrade to. Alternatively, specify the --image option.
    --image <value> The image ID to upgrade to. Alternatively, specify the --runtime option.
    --rolling-upgrade Controls whether to perform a rolling upgrade for the COD.

    Run the following command to perform a non-rolling Cloudera Runtime upgrade for the database.

    cdp opdb upgrade-database --environment <environment-name> --database <database-name> [--runtime <runtime-version> | --image <imageId>]

COD is upgraded to the provided runtime version in a rolling mode.