May 16, 2022

This release of the Replication Manager service introduces the following new features.

Updates to HBase replication policy

  • If you are using Cloudera Manager version 7.6.0 or higher, you can use the following options while creating an HBase replication policy:
    • Rolling HBase Service Restart on Source - This option appears if you select COD or Data Hub as the source cluster. Select this option to enable automatic rolling restart of HBase service on the source cluster after the HBase replication policy first-time setup steps are complete. Otherwise, Cloudera Manager performs a full restart of the service.
    • Rolling HBase Service Restart on Destination - Select this option to enable automatic rolling restart of HBase service on the target cluster as a rolling restart after the HBase replication policy first-time setup steps are complete. Otherwise, Cloudera Manager performs a full restart of the service.
    • Validate Policy - Select to notify Replication Manager to verify the policy details after the policy creation is complete.

    For more information, see Creating HBase replication policy.

  • A warning message appears when you choose a cluster that is part of an existing cluster pairing. If there are HBase replication policies for the existing pairing, policy creation is not allowed to continue. If there are no policies, the existing pairing is removed and policy creation continues.

    For more information, see Using HBase replication policy.

Support for Replication Manager in ap-1 and eu-1 regional Control Planes

Replication Manager is now supported in the ap-1 (Australia) and eu-1 (Germany) regional Control Planes. For the list of all supported services in the supported Control Plane regions, see CDP Control Plane regions.