Cloudera Control Plane RegionsPDF version

Cloudera Control Plane regions

Each Cloudera Control Plane and associated account runs within a geographic region. If your organization requires your Cloudera account and its data to remain within a specific geographical region, review the regions below to determine the most appropriate region to create your Cloudera account and Cloudera Control Plane in.

Every Cloudera account runs within a shared infrastructure called the Cloudera Control Plane. Historically, the Cloudera Control Plane and its services have been hosted in a single geographical region in the United States referred to as us-west-1.

Certain countries may have regulatory requirements that limit or forbid specific types of data from being sent or stored outside of the country or region where an organization operates. For this reason Cloudera has introduced new regions in which the Cloudera Control Plane can run. By choosing a region other than us-west-1, you can ensure that sensitive metadata (such as information about Cloudera users) does not leave its region or country of origin.

During the Cloudera account creation process, your administrator will work with the account creation team to choose the appropriate Cloudera Control Plane region to create your Cloudera account in. Your Cloudera account together with users, groups, and Cloudera resources like environments, Data Lakes, and Cloudera Data Hub clusters are tied to the Cloudera Control Plane region that they are created in. After account creation, there is no option to change the region in which the Cloudera Control Plane and Cloudera account will run.

Regions us-west-1 eu-1 ap-1
Location United States Germany Australia
Year Opened 2019 2021 2021

As new Cloudera Control Plane regions are added, not every Cloudera feature or data service will be available in every region, though these features will eventually be supported for every region. Refer to the following support matrix to determine which Cloudera data services and major Cloudera features are available within the region where your Cloudera Control Plane resides:

CDP service us-west-1 (USA) eu-1 (Germany) ap-1 (Australia)
Data Engineering
Data Hub
Data Warehouse
Machine Learning
Operational Database
Replication Manager
Workload Manager
Data Catalog
CDP feature us-west-1 (USA) eu-1 (Germany) ap-1 (Australia)
Classic Clusters
Unified Diagnostics N/A N/A
The following terminology is used in the above table:
  • - The service is general availability in the specific region
  • - The service is preview in the specific region
  • N/A - The service is not available in the specific region

Although there are few visible differences in Cloudera depending on which Control Plane region you choose, it is important that you set up outbound network access (AWS, Azure, GCP) correctly for the Cloudera Control Plane region that you use. You should also take note that for different Cloudera Control Plane regions, the endpoints will be different for the Cloudera Control Plane API and UIs.

You can configure your Cloudera client to use a certain Cloudera Control Plane region by default. For more information on this, see Configuring Cloudera Client.