Azure RequirementsPDF version

Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Cloudera provisions a PostgreSQL database as part of the environment creation process (for Data Lake). Prior to creating an Azure environment in Cloudera, the Azure Database for PostgreSQL must be enabled in the regions that you want to use with Cloudera.

Furthermore, Cloudera Data Warehouse service provisions PostgreSQL databases for its data warehouses.

The Azure Database for PostgreSQL service is often not enabled by default in every region, and your Azure administrator may need to contact Azure Support to have it enabled. For information on submitting this request, refer to Azure region access request process documentation. When making this request, do the following:
  • Specify "Azure Database for PostgreSQL" in the Subscription field in Step 1.
  • Specify "Azure Database for PostgreSQL" in the Region to Enable field in Step 4.
  • Finally, in Step 4, specify 100 in the Planned Compute Usage in Cores field. This limits the pool of VCores per region to 100 VCores, limiting the total number of PostgreSQL servers that Cloudera can provision.

Cluster deployments with Azure Policies for PostgreSQL are not supported. Ensure that none of the Azure Policy built-in definitions for Azure Database for PostgreSQL are turned on or enforced. This is necessary because some policies (such as log_duration) could cause such performance degradation, making your clusters practically unusable.