Release Summaries

CDP Public Cloud: March 2020 Release Summary

Cloudera is pleased to announce the latest feature updates to CDP Public Cloud delivered thus far in 2020. CDP is an integrated data platform that is easy to deploy, manage, and use. CDP Public Cloud provides secured and governed data lakes (SDX), an environment with a wide range of analytic engines (Data Hub) as well as self-service data marts (Data Warehouse), and machine learning workspaces (Machine Learning). The latest release of CDP features version 7.1.0 of the Cloudera Runtime and Cloudera Manager. This update covers both the and 7.1.0 releases and recent enhancements to the Control Plane and SDX applications.

Private networks (subnets) are now supported in both AWS and Azure, including in the CPD UI

  • Support for private subnets - CDW support for deploying load balancer and worker nodes in private subnets.

  • IP aliasing / multiplexing - Using overlay networks to increase the available IP addresses for an existing CDP environment that uses subnets with very limited IP address.

  • Controls on speed of autoscaling - Introduction of scale up delay or scale down delay in Autoscaling

  • DW User role - A dedicated user role with entitlement to manage Cloudera Data Warehouse clusters within a given CDP environment

  • Column-masking in Impala - Support for Ranger Column Masking in Impala CDW

  • Enable Impala HA - Ability to turn on/off Impala coordinator HA

  • Security - Restricting access to API server and workload endpoints on the Kubernetes cluster

  • Improved Security with Load Balancer Source Ranges - When provisioning a Machine Learning workspace, admins can now select the CIDR range of IP addresses allowed to connect to the workspace. This provides better, machine-level control over user access and security from Cloudera Data Platform

  • Improvements to High Availability Architecture - All single points of failure have been removed down to the Kubernetes cluster. This ensures workloads from data engineering to models operating in production environments will not be impacted by other users or technical issues.

  • Technical Preview for MLOps - Model monitoring, model cataloging and full production lifecycle lineage tracking are now in technical preview for select customers. Reach out to your Cloudera associate to learn more!

  • Minor update to base Engine 11 - Includes updates to the R interpreter and provides better support for R-based IDEs

  • Improved performance tuning for ‘Data Engineering’ clusters using Hive-on-Tez

  • A more streamlined ‘Data Mart’ template without HDFS, improving launch time & efficiency

  • Multiple ‘Streams Messaging’ (Kafka) clusters each with its own set of Ranger (AuthZ) policies (Preview)

  • Reduced launch times for all clusters with wire encryption enabled

  • Numerous robustness improvements to S3guard, ensuring consist access to AWS S3

  • ‘Operational Database’ improvements, including:

    • Tech preview of RDBMS-like capabilities like ANSI SQL, Secondary indexes and views

    • Improved performance

    • Numerous bug fixes

    • Enhancements to operational support tools

  • ‘Real-time Data Mart’ improvements to simplify configuration & maintenance and performance improvements

    • Auto-configuration of NTP (in AWS),

    • Faster compression

    • New maintenance mode for tablet servers

    • Support for rolling restarts to avoid service outages while applying configuration changes

  • Analysis of Hive on Tez and Hive LLAP workloads

  • Burst to Cloud functionality for HDP 3.x clusters

  • Data Lake clusters now support in-place patch upgrades of the operating system and system-level software on Data Lake hosts. Attached Data Hub clusters must be stopped during an OS upgrade

  • Enhanced security (stronger authentication requirements) for directly accessing nodes running certain SDX components

Password expiration policies can be now be defined for local workload passwords stored in FreeIPA

This release also includes over 125 bug fixes, security improvements, and other improvements to the CDP continuous delivery pipeline & processes. Full release documentation including release notes for each service is available here (Service Name → Release Notes → What’s New).