Prerequisites for the provisioning credential

To allow CDP to create resources on your Azure account, you must create the app-based credential. The credential allows CDP to access and provision a set of resources in your Azure account.

CDP uses an app-based credential to authenticate your Azure account and obtain authorization to create resources on your behalf. The app-based credential requires that you to manually configure the service principal created within your Azure Active Directory. The app-based method requires Owner role to be able to create a service principal, which must be given Contributor role or its equivalent.

To meet Azure prerequisites for CDP:
  1. Review the provided policies.
  2. Obtain the subscription and tenant ID.
  3. Create an app registration on Azure

Azure permissions

Your Azure administrator must create custom roles in the Azure subscription.

  1. The administrator must create a custom roles containing the following sets of permissions sufficient for registering an environment and creating Data Hubs and Operational Databases:
    1. The administrator must create a custom role containing one of the following sets of permissions on the scope of the resource group used for CDP:
      1. Option 1: Use the Role definition 1: Allows CDP to access and use only a single existing resource group and create service endpoints if you would like to use service endpoints.
      2. Option 2: Use the Role definition 2: Allows CDP to access and use only a single existing resource group and create private endpoints if you would like to use private endpoints.
    2. In order to use the Azure Marketplace images that Cloudera publishes, the administrator also needs to grant the service principal the additional Azure permissions on the scope of your Azure subscription. The Role definition for Azure Marketplace images policy includes these permissions.
  2. Additionally, if you would like to provision other CDP services (Data Engineering, Data Warehouse, or Machine Learning), you should assign the built-in Contributor Azure role either at the resource group level (if you are providing your own resource group) or at the Azure subscription level (if CDP is creating resource groups).
    • If you need Data Warehouse only and CDP is creating resource groups, you can use the minimal policy documented in CDW documentation.
    • If you need DataFlow only and CDP is creating resource groups, you can use the minimal policy documented in CDF documentation.
    • If you need Machine Learning only and CDP is creating resource groups, you can use the minimal policy documented in CML documentation.

Role definition 1: Allows CDP to access and use only a single existing resource group and create service endpoints

The following role definition allows CDP to create resources only within the specified resource group:
    "Name": "Cloudera Management Console Azure Operator For Single Resource Group",
    "IsCustom": true,
    "Description": "Can use Cloudera Management Console managed clusters and resources updated for single resource group.",
    "Actions": [
    "NotActions": [],
    "DataActions": [
    "NotDataActions": [],
    "AssignableScopes": [

When creating the role definition, make sure to:

  • Replace the {SUBSCRIPTION-ID} with your actual subscription ID.

  • Replace the {RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME} with the ID of your existing resource group

Role definition 2: Allows CDP to access and use only a single existing resource group and create private endpoints

The following role definition allows CDP to create resources only within the specified resource group:

    "Name": "Cloudera Management Console Azure Operator for Single Resource Group",
    "IsCustom": true,
    "Description": "Can use Cloudera Management Console managed clusters and resources, updated for use with single resource group for all resources.",
    "Actions": [
    "NotActions": [],
    "DataActions": [
    "NotDataActions": [],
    "AssignableScopes": [

When creating the role definition, make sure to:

  • Replace the {SUBSCRIPTION-ID} with your actual subscription ID.

  • Replace the {RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME} with the name of your existing resource group

Role definition for Azure Marketplace images

In order to use the Azure Marketplace images, you need to grant the service principal additional Azure permissions on the scope of your Azure subscription. The following policy includes these permissions:

    "properties": {
        "roleName": "Cloudera Management Console Azure Operator for Azure Marketplace",
        "description": "Can use Azure Marketplace images read and accept image terms if the corresponding setting is enabled in Management Console -> Global Settings -> Azure Settings-> Terms & Conditions auto acceptance. Scope must be subscription level.",
        "assignableScopes": [
        "permissions": [
                "actions": [
                "notActions": [],
                "dataActions": [],
                "notDataActions": []

When creating the role definition, make sure to:

  • Replace the {SUBSCRIPTION-ID} with your actual subscription ID.

Obtain subscription and tenant ID

Obtain subscription and tenant ID. You need them in order to create a provisioning credential for Azure.

These steps should be performed by someone who has the Owner built-in Azure role and the Application Developer role in Azure Active Directory.
  • You can obtain both the Subscription ID and Tenant ID from Azure CLI by using the following Azure CLI command:
    az account list|jq '.[]|{"subscriptionId": .id, "tenantId": .tenantId, "state": .state}'
  • You can obtain your Azure Subscription ID from your Azure Portal > Subscriptions:
  • You can obtain your Azure Tenant ID from your Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory > Properties:

Create an app registration and assign a role to it

Create an app registration and assign a role to it. You need it in order to create a provisioning credential for Azure.

  1. On Azure Portal, navigate to the Azure Active Directory > App Registrations and click on + New Registration:

  2. Register a new application as follows and then click Register:

  3. Once your app registration is created, you will be redirected to the app registration's overview page. Copy and save the Application ID before closing this page. You will need to provide it to CDP later:

  4. Next, navigate to Certificates & secrets and generate a new secret by clicking + New client secret, providing a description and expiration time, and clicking Add:

  5. Copy and save the Client secret value. You will need to provide it to CDP later.

  6. Next, you need to assign a role to your application. To do that, browse to Subscriptions, click on your subscription, and choose Access control (IAM).

  7. Click Add > Add role assignment and then assign the Contributor role or the custom role to your newly created application by:

    • Under Role, selecting Contributor or the custom role.
    • Typing your app name under Select and then selecting it:
  8. Once done, click Save.

What to do next

Once you have this setup ready, you can Create a provisioning credential for Azure in CDP.