HBase replication policy
You can replicate HBase and Phoenix tables using HBase replication policies in CDP Public Cloud Replication Manager. An HBase replication policy replicates the data at table-level granularity. After you create an HBase replication policy, you can delete one or more tables from the policy. The replication policy replicates the data in the specified tables and continues to replicate the generated data (that is, future changes in data) unless you suspend the policy or delete the tables.
The replication policy replicates the data in the specified tables and continues to replicate the generated data (that is, future changes in data) unless you suspend the policy or delete the tables. You can replicate only existing HBase data, generated HBase data, or both depending on your requirements. You also can choose to replicate all the HBase tables or only the required tables in a database.
Before you create an HBase replication policy, you must:
- verify whether your clusters are supported by Replication Manager.
- understand how first-time setup configuration works.
- understand how cluster pairing works.
- understand the available methods to replicate HBase data.
You can also replicate HBase data simultaneously between multiple clusters.