Migrating Workloads and Data
Here you will find guides that provide guidelines and instructions on migrating data from CDH, HDP, and CDP Private Cloud for a variety of components to CDP Public Cloud.
Data Migration Tools and Methods for CDP Public Cloud
This guide covers how to use the Replication Manager features of Cloudera Manager to migrate Hive, Impala, and HDFS data from CDH to CDP Public Cloud.
Migrating Hive tables to Iceberg tables
This guide describes how to migrate existing external Hive tables from Hive to Iceberg in Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) or from Spark to Iceberg in Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE).
Migrating Operational Database to CDP Public Cloud
This guide covers how to migrate HBase data from CDH 5.x or HDP 2.x to Cloudera Operational Database on CDP Public Cloud.
Migrating Hive and Impala workloads to CDP Public Cloud
This guide covers how to migrate Hive and Impala workloads to CDP Public Cloud.
Migrating data to CDP Public Cloud
This guide covers how to migrate HDFS and Hive data from CDH and HDP to CDP Public Cloud.
Migration paths from HDP 3 to CDP for LLAP users
This guide recommends migration paths to CDP for HDP 3.x users who run Hive using LLAP (low-latency analytical processing).
Migrating Spark workloads to CDP Public Cloud
This guide covers how to migrate Spark workloads to CDP Public Cloud.
Migrating from CDH to CDP Public Cloud
This guide covers how to migrate data and workloads from CDH to CDP Public Cloud using the Cloudera Migration Assistant tool.