Release Summaries

CDP Public Cloud: December 2019 Release Summary

Cloudera is pleased to announce the latest feature updates to CDP Public Cloud delivered at the close of 2019. CDP is an integrated data platform that is easy to deploy, manage, and use. CDP Public Cloud provides secured and governed data lakes (SDX), an environment with a wide range of analytic engines (Data Hub) as well as self-service data marts (Data Warehouse), and machine learning workspaces (Machine Learning).

  • Support for private networks (AWS VPCs and Azure VNets). Available as a Tech Preview, this allows users to create CDP Environments that use select services (CDP Data Hub, SDX Data Lakes and Replication Manager) within their corporate networks. This also enables [Replication Manager)(/replication-manager/cloud/index.html) to connect with Classic CDH/HDP Clusters in other networks to replicate & synchronize data, metadata and security policies from on-premises environments to CDP.

  • Streams Messaging cluster template and definition: Available as a Tech Preview, the Streams Messaging Heavy Duty and Streams Messaging Light Duty cluster templates and definitions are now available in CDP Data Hub with advanced messaging and real-time processing on streaming data using Apache Kafka, centralized schema management using Schema Registry, and management and monitoring capabilities powered by Streams Messaging Manager.

    • Easily manage hybrid Kafka architectures - Running a Cloudera supported Kafka distribution on-premises and Kafka in CDP Data Hub ensures consistent tooling and support, minimizing integration risks.

    • Easy migration to public cloud - Leveraging NiFi along with your hybrid Kafka architecture can help move and migrate any data set to the public cloud with ease.

    • Build cloud-native streaming applications - Kafka deployments in CDP Data Hub can serve as your building blocks to build cloud-native streaming applications in the public cloud advanced messaging capabilities with strong streaming semantics and data governance.

    • SDX integration for consistent data governance and security - Get a holistic experience for setting security policies and managing data governance across end-to-end streaming applications.

  • Enriched Data Warehouse Visualization Including Hive on Tez and LLAP: Hue, a web-based interactive query editor that enables you to interact with data warehouses, extends support for Hive with Tez and LLAP execution engines, so all available data warehouse compute engines can be easily visualized. Learn more about Hue.

  • Improved Impala Performance: As Impala is ideally suited for ad-hoc and interactive SQL reporting, performance at scale is paramount. This release adds options to increase performance with HBase and parquet. For HBase, there is a new query option that lets Impala use existing Hive Metastore table statistics and avoid the overhead of real-time estimations during planning. For Parquet, Impala can increase query performance by using a parquet native parameter to more accurately control the splits on non-block stores. See Impala Query Options and Impala with Amazon S3 for more details.

CML improves machine learning model serving up-time and fault resistance by optimizing deployment workflows and solving for two single points of failure. For businesses this means even better highly reliable serving of models for production environments.

  • Workload Manager Integration: know how your workloads and queries are performing and use the diagnostic insight for fast troubleshooting, focused optimization, reduced downtime and improved resource utilization. You can now manually enable or disable workload analytics for Data Hub cluster workloads by connecting these clusters to Workload Manager.

  • Newly created Data Hub clusters will use an upgraded Cloudera Runtime with numerous security enhancements

  • New Streams Messaging cluster template and definition referenced in the overview section

  • Enhanced CIDR specification: you can now specify multiple CIDRs on individual security groups as you create environments, providing greater flexibility and saving time. Read about user access to clusters. Learn how to setup security groups.

  • Public Certificate Renewal: CDP environments can now renew public security certificates in their trust store by clicking a button on the main environment page. This allows browsers and other clients to automatically trust CDP services in longer running environments when making TLS secured connections

  • IAM role selection: choose from existing instance profiles and roles rather than having to manually enter IAM role ARNs during IAM instance profile or role provisioning, saving time and reducing the potential for errors.

The full release documentation including release notes for each service is available here (Service Name → Release Notes → What’s New).