Release Summaries

CDP Public Cloud: March 2023 Release Summary

Data Catalog introduces the following featues as generally available:

  • Supporting High Availability for profiler services
  • Navigating to tables and databases in Hue using Data Catalog
  • Using the Download CSV option to save queried results

This release (1.18.3) of the Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) service on CDP Public Cloud introduces a new improvement that is described in this topic.

CDE now supports K8s 1.24 for Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Cloudera Data Visualization (CDV) 7.1.1 was released on March 9, 2023 introducing the following changes:

  • Added new settings for hiding the trellis labels for the KPI visual.
  • Impala and Hive connections now stream CSV/XLS downloads. This means downloads are no longer constrained by the ‘Maximum data rows for visuals’ site setting.
  • Improved performance of the ‘Users & Groups’ page.
  • Improved process for detecting errors in advanced site settings. This has also resulted in deprecation of redundant environmental variables for disabling advanced site settings.
  • The instructions on ‘Setting Workload Password’ are now easier to copy.
  • Job logs older than a year are now deleted every week. Deletion settings are configurable for admins in site settings.

This release (2.4.0–b317) of Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) on CDP Public Cloud introduces the following features:

  • The ability to design flows with the new Flow Designer is now generally available to all CDP Public Cloud customers.
  • The CDP CLI now supports commands to generate diagnostic bundles for CDF for troubleshooting.
  • Flow Deployments and Test Sessions now support the latest Apache NiFi 1.20 release.
  • When creating a deployment through the deployment wizard, users can now filter for sensitive or empty parameters.
  • CDF now creates Kubernetes clusters with version 1.23 in AWS EKS and 1.24 in Azure AKS.
  • Upgrading and restarting deployments now triggers a NiFi Health Alert if the NiFi cluster does not return to a healthy state. This can be cleared by performing a Restart Deployment once the underlying issue has been fixed.
  • Restart Deployment now supports force suspending the NiFi Flow in case the running flow itself is impairing the health of the NiFi cluster.
  • Enable DataFlow action now performs validation steps immediately and fails fast if there are issues with the request.
  • Some enablement failure messages are improved when the failure is due to common issues surrounding volume provisioning.
  • The following ReadyFlows have been added to the ReadyFlow Gallery: HubSpot to S3/ADLS, JDBC to JDBC, Kafka to Apache Iceberg, Shopify to S3/ADLS.

Version 2.0.36-H3 introduces the following new features and improvements:

  • Kubernetes - EKS 1.24 (AWS) and AKS 1.25 (Azure) are now supported.
  • AWS - The eu-south-1 region is now supported.

This release of the Management Console service introduces the following changes:

Default FreeIPA instance type on GCP changed from n1-standard-2 to e2-standard-2.

Cloudera Operational Database (COD) 1.28 version provides UI enhancements that include storage type selection when you create a database and JWT configurations to connect to your HBase client.

COD UI now allows you to select the storage type when creating an operational database. You can select either Cloud Storage or HDFS. Earlier if you had to use the HDFS as the storage type, you were required to use the –use-hdfs option on COD CLI while creating the operational database. Now COD UI is enhanced to let you select the storage type when you create an operational database. For more information, see Creating a database using COD.

Now you can find the JWT configuration details On the COD UI. Click on a database and go to Connect > HBase Client Tarball > JWT Configuration. You can refer to these configurations to set up a connection to HBase with a JWT token and build your own truststore JKS file. For more information, see Configuring JWT authentication for HBase client.

This release of the Replication Manager service introduces the following new features:

During HBase replication policy creation, you can choose one of the following cloud credential options:

  • Credentials are available in source cluster HDFS service configuration setting- You can choose this option when you want to use a Google Cloud account. You can use this option for S3 and ADLS accounts as well.
  • Credentials from External Account - You can choose this option for S3 and ADLS storage options.

For more information, see Creating an HBase replication policy.

You can Force Delete an HBase replication policy after Replication Manager fails to delete the replication policy (using the Actions > Delete option on the Replication Policies page for the replication policy). For more information, see Managing HBase replication policy.