Release Summaries

CDP Public Cloud: October 2022 Release Summary

This release (1.17-h1) of the Cloudera Data Engineering Service on CDP Public Cloud now supports Apache Iceberg 0.14.

When you upgrade to CDE 1.17-h1, ensure that you also upgrade to Iceberg 0.14. For more information, see Using Apache Iceberg in Cloudera Data Engineering. The following features are included with Iceberg 0.14:

  • MERGE operations allow for bulk updates and DELETES.
  • CDE Azure deployments are now able to leverage Iceberg for Lakehouse architecture.
  • [Technical Preview] Iceberg table format version 2 (v2) is the latest specification available and includes the following key updates:
    • UPDATE and DELETE operations follow the Iceberg format v2 row-level position delete specification and enforce snapshot isolation.
    • DELETES, UPDATES, and MERGE operations use the merge-on-read function by default. Merge-on-read is more efficient than the copy-on-write function because it does not rewrite file data.

Cloudera Data Visualization (CDV) 7.0.4 was released on October 28, 2022 introducing the following changes:

  • Save selections made in edit mode setting is now available for all filter types. When unselected, filter values selected by the dashboard editor will not be the default in edit mode.
  • Improved the Expansion feature for cross tabulation visuals to more intuitively aggregate across row dimensions.
  • Cross Tabulation visual headers are now more readable, with tooltips for titles that are too long to display.
  • When selecting values for a visual filter, there is now a Select All for bulk selection of the shown filter values.
  • The build tab in Dashboard Designer can now be expanded to allow for greater readability.

For fixed issues, see Fixed issues in Cloudera Data Visualization 7.0.4.

This release (2.2.0-h3-b2) of Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) on CDP Public Cloud introduces compatibility fixes around upgrades.

For fixed issues in this release, see Fixed issues.

This release (2.2.0-h4-b2) of Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) on CDP Public Cloud introduces compatibility fixes around upgrades and public ingress certificate renewals.

For fixed issues, see Fixed issues.

This CML release (2.0.32-H4) includes the following new features and improvements:

In-place Upgrades - In-place upgrades are now available for CML versions 2.0.29 and 2.0.30.

Azure backups - When creating snapshots for an Azure backup, the resource group name defined in the environment can be used (if present) as part of the snapshot name.

For fixed issues, see Fixed issues.

Cloudera Operational Database (COD) 1.24 version supports fast SSD volume types, deploys strong meta servers for multiple regions, and provides two new COD CLI commands.

Cloudera Manager and monitoring systems require more resources than a regular deployment for big clusters with a large number of nodes. To support this, now COD supports a fast gp2 storage when you choose a gateway node of HEAVY type.

For Multi-AZ deployments, COD assigns the nodes to multiple regions when multiple strong meta servers exist in the deployment.

COD now supports the CDP CLI commands update-hbase-configuration and describe-hbase-configuration to update and retrieve the HBase configuration values. For more information, see describe-hbase-configuration and update-hbase-configuration.

This release of the Management Console service introduces the following changes:

New conceptual overview of the CDP Public Cloud network architecture for Azure, its use cases, and personas who should be using it.

For more information, see Azure Reference Network Architecture.