Diagnostic Bundle CollectionPDF version

CDP CLI commands for generating a diagnostic bundle

Cloudera includes a set of CLI commands that allow you to generate an on-demand diagnostic bundle that gathers logs and command output from your Data Lake, FreeIPA, or Cloudera Data Hub cluster VMs. The bundle can also be used for support case troubleshooting if the logs captured via the equivalent UI option are not sufficient.

For each resource type (freeipa, datalake, or datahub), there are two commands that you can use:

  • get-<resource-type>-log-descriptors - Allows you to obtain a list of logs that get collected for diagnostics.
  • collect-<resource-type>-diagnostics - Triggers diagnostics collection. You need to provide a CRN of a resource (Data Lake, FreeIPA, or Cloudera Data Hub cluster), a description, and a destination for the bundle.
  • list-<resource-type>-diagnostics - Lists the running or finished diagnostic operations.
  • cancel-<resource-type>-diagnostics - Stops the ongoing diagnostics operations.

Required role: You need the EnvironmentAdmin or Owner role for the environment for which you would like to create a bundle.


  • FreeIPA deployment time must be September 2020 or later.
  • The VMs from which diagnostic data is to be collected must be running.
  • Salt minions must be started properly on the Cloudera Manager nodes.

The get-<resource-type>-log-descriptors commands allow you to obtain a list of logs that get collected. These commands can also be used to obtain available log label/path pairs that can be provided in the collect-<resource-type>-diagnostics command via the --labels parameter in order to limit the command output.

The output is printed in the Event History tab on the UI in Data Lake or Cloudera Data Hub details. Since there is no FreeIPA Event History on the UI, in case of FreeIPA the output is saved to /var/log/salt/minion, which can be accessed from your logs location in cloud storage.


To gather available log label/path pairs, use one of the following commands:

cdp environments get-freeipa-log-descriptors

cdp datalake get-datalake-log-descriptors

cdp datahub get-datahub-log-descriptors

The collect-<resource-type>-diagnostics commands trigger log collection. You need to provide a CRN of a resource (Data Lake, FreeIPA, or Cloudera Data Hub cluster), a description, and a destination for the bundle. The generated bundle can be saved to cloud storage or to a local file. The command progress (including the location where the bundle is generated) is printed in the Event History tab on the UI.


  • If you would like to use cloud storage as a destination, ensure that the Logger and IDBroker instance profiles (on AWS) or managed identities (on Azure) are able to write to the specified cloud storage location.
  • If you would like to use Cloudera support as a destination, your network must be able to reach the following destinations: https://dbusapi.us-west-1.altus.cloudera.com if your CDP account runs in Control Plane region us-west-1, or https://api.<control-plane-region>.cdp.cloudera.com if your CDP account runs in any other Control Plane region (only required if your cloud provider is AWS) and https://cloudera-dbus-prod.s3.amazonaws.com (required even if your cloud provider is not AWS).

Example commands

To run collection with salt script included and update cdp-telemetry package on the nodes, use one of the following commands, Replace <DESCRIPTION> with an actual description and the <NAME-OR-CRN>, <DATALAKE-CRN>, and <DATAHUBCRN> with an actual CRN.

To send the diagnostics bundle to cloud storage, use:

cdp environments collect-freeipa-diagnostics --environment-name <NAME-OR-CRN> \
--description <DESCRIPTION> \
--destination CLOUD_STORAGE \
cdp datalake collect-datalake-diagnostics --crn <DATALAKE-CRN> \
--description <DESCRIPTION> \
--destination CLOUD_STORAGE \
cdp datahub collect-datahub-diagnostics --crn <DATAHUB-CRN> \
--description <DESCRIPTION> \
--destination CLOUD_STORAGE \

To send the diagnostic bundle directly to Cloudera support, use:

cdp datahub collect-datahub-diagnostics --crn <DATAHUB-CRN> \
--description <DESCRIPTION> \
--case-number <SUPPORT_CASE_NUMBER>
--destination SUPPORT \
--update-package \

To collect only specific custom logs (such as /var/log/audit/audit.log used in this example), use:

cdp environments collect-freeipa-diagnostics --environment-name <name> \
--description <DESCRIPTION> 
--destination CLOUD_STORAGE \
--additional-logs path=/var/log/audit/audit.log,label=audit \
--labels audit

If you run this command:

  • Logs specified under --additional-logs will be collected
  • Due to the specified label, all other logs will be filtered out and no other logs will be included in the bundle.

Required parameters

--environment-name (for Data Lake or Cloudera Data Hub) or --crn (for Cloudera Data Hub)Provide a CRN of your Data Lake, FreeIPA, or Cloudera Data Hub cluster. You can obtain it by running a list or describe command on your resource.

--description Provide a description for the diagnostics bundle.

--destination Specify a destination of the diagnostics collection: SUPORT, CLOUD_STORAGE, or LOCAL:

  • SUPPORT: Sends diagnostic bundles directly to Cloudera support.
  • CLOUD_STORAGE: Saves collected diagnostics into a tar.gzfile file and uploads it to your logs cloud storage location specified during environment registration, to a PATH that looks like this:
     cluster-logs/<CLUSTER-TYPE>/<CLUSTER-NAME>_<UUID PART-OF-CLUSTER-CRN>/diagnostics.     
    The “cluster logs” directory is only created if your cloud storage location is a bucket. If your cloud storage location includes a directory within a bucket, then the “cluster logs” directory is not created.
  • LOCAL: Diagnostics will be collected to a compressed file, and saved to /var/lib/filecollector on every cluster node.

Optional parameters

--labels You can use this to pass a list of labels that can be used to filter collected logs. This is useful if instead of including all logs, you would only include certain specific logs in the bundle. This list can be obtained from the get-<cluster-type>-log-descriptors response.

--additional-logs One or more additional VM log objects that will be included in the diagnostics bundle. A VM log object is a path/label pair. Cloudera support may ask you to provide specific values here.

--hosts Run diagnostics only the specified hosts (both IP addresses or fqdns are valid).

--host-groups Run diagnostics only on the those hosts that are included in the specified host groups.

--exclude-hosts Same as the --hosts filter but for exclusion.

--skip-unresponsive-hosts Skip unhealthy hosts from the diagnostics collection (where "unhealthy" means that salt minion is unresponsive). If this is not used, the diagnostics will fail if there is an unresponsive host during diagnostics.

--include-salt-logs If this is set, salt minion/master logs will be included in the diagnostic bundle.

--case-number Allows you to provide a support case number.

--update-package If this is set, during diagnostics collection, the required third party applications will be downloaded and updated on the VM nodes. This requires internet access.

--storage-validation You can use this if using CLOUD_STORAGE as a destination. If this is set, cloud storage write validation check will happen during an initial phase of the diagnostics collection.

For more information about the command and its options, use the --help CLI option.

Lists the running or finished diagnostic operations.

cdp environments list-freeipa-diagnostics --environment-name <NAME-OR-CRN>
cdp datalake list-datalake-diagnostics --crn <DATALAKE-CRN> 
cdp datahub list-datahub-diagnostics --crn <DATAHUB-CRN>

Stops the ongoing diagnostics operations.

cdp environments cancel-freeipa-diagnostics --environment-name <NAME-OR-CRN>
cdp datalake cancel-datalake-diagnostics --crn <DATALAKE-CRN> 
cdp datahub cancel-datahub-diagnostics --crn <DATAHUB-CRN>