Fine-grained permission to access CDP Public Cloud Replication Manager
You can restrict access to specific users to view and use CDP Public Cloud Replication Manager in a CDP Public Cloud environment so that you can govern the access to critical replication functionalities.
Currently, any user in a CDP Public Cloud environment can view and use CDP Public Cloud Replication Manager to create, run, and manage replication policies. However, in some deployments, it is essential that only a few authorized users have access to Replication Manager. This requirement arises when you want to provide an added layer of control which aligns with the best practices for data management and security, and also to enhance security and control over replication management which includes monitoring the replication jobs, and troubleshooting issues efficiently.
Providing role-based access control (RBAC) to Replication Manager users
You can provide fine-grained permissions to specific users to view and use CDP Public Cloud Replication Manager.