Azure RequirementsPDF version

Resource groups

Cloudera can provision all the environment and cluster resources into your existing resource group or you can also have Cloudera create multiple new resource groups.

Cloudera supports two resource group related scenarios:

Option Description Requirements Permissions Termination
Provide a single existing resource group Provide a single existing resource group during environment creation and all Cloudera resources will be provisioned into that single resource group. No other resource groups will be created by Cloudera.

You should select this option if you are planning to use Fine-grained access control.

If planning to use Cloudera Data Warehouse, do not use an underscore ( _ ) when naming the resource group and use a short resource group name. The name must be fewer than 64 characters. The scope of permissions in the role definition provided for Cloudera can be reduced to only the existing resource group where you would like Cloudera to create resources. The resource group will not be deleted when your environment is terminated.

The VHDs copied into your resource group during environment creation will not be deleted during environment termination. Cloudera preserves them to speed up subsequent environment deployments.

Cloudera creates multiple resource groups Cloudera can create multiple resource groups. For the list of all the resource groups created, refer to Azure resources used by Cloudera.

Do not use this option if you are planning to use fine-grained access control.

N/A The scope of permissions in the role definition provided for Cloudera should be the whole subscription. The resource groups will be deleted when your environment is terminated, except for the cloudbreak-images resource group (which stores VHDs for VM deployment).

If you would like to provide your own resource group, you can create it using the following instructions: