Release Summaries

CDP Public Cloud: January 2022 Release Summary

Updating recipes post-deployment🔗

You can attach or detach recipes to/from existing Data Hub clusters. Using this capability, you can update a recipe by removing it from the cluster, replacing the old recipe with a modified recipe of the same type, and attaching the new modified recipe to the cluster. For more information refer to Update a recipe.

If necessary, you can use a custom Runtime or FreeIPA image for compliance or security reasons. You can then use the CDP CLI to register a custom image catalog and set the custom image within the custom image catalog. For more information refer to Custom images and catalogs.

Cloudera has released hotfixes for Public Cloud Runtime versions 7.2.7 and newer that address Log4j2 vulnerabilities.

The following vulnerabilities have been addressed for Public Cloud Runtime versions 7.2.7 through 7.2.12:

You should upgrade your CDP services running Runtime versions 7.2.7+ so that they include the latest hotfixes. You can update your existing Data Lake and Data Hubs by doing a maintenance upgrade. You should first upgrade the Data Lake and then upgrade all the Data Hubs that are using the Data Lake. Maintenance upgrades are not supported for RAZ-enabled environments. For upgrade steps, refer to Data Lake upgrade and Data Hub upgrade documentation.

If you are running a version of Runtime prior to 7.2.7, contact Cloudera Support for details on how to upgrade Runtime.

For more information about these hotfixes, refer to the CDP Public Cloud Runtime Release Notes for the version of Runtime that you use.

  • The line, combined bar/line, and grouped bar visuals now support independent minimum and maximum aggregate scales for primary and secondary axes.

  • Threshold-based email jobs can now be configured from applications, and the parameters of a previously-scheduled job can now be modified without re-creating the job.

  • Query history is now accessible from the CDV Home tab with a new “Queries” tile.

  • The Data overview page now displays the number of Dashboards associated with each Dataset.

  • Historical Logs under Usage Info now show Visual, Dashboard, Dataset, Connection, State, and Query information where applicable.

  • Visibility into the queries behind each visual has been added to the Data Detail menu in a new “Queries” tab.

  • The results of a query can be downloaded as a CSV with a specified number of rows from the Direct Access view.

  • Table and crosstab visuals with pagination now offer the option to show intermediary totals for the page displayed.

  • A more robust selection of default display formats specific to currencies is now available under the Currency category in the Display Format modal.

  • It is now possible to create multiple job run schedule groups with the same interval.

  • A link has been added to the Cloudera Support Hub directly from the CDV Help menu, with the ability to customize this to link at a URL of a customer’s choosing.

You need to provide commands to your client users for installing and launching the Impala shell to connect to your particular Impala Virtual Warehouse version. You can use new options in the UI for accessing Impala from the Impala shell client. You can obtain the commands to download the new Impala shell client from the CDW UI under Impala Virtual Warehouse options. Create a new Virtual Warehouse to get this feature.

The eu-1 (Germany) regional Control Plane now supports CDW. The CDP administrator must create a new environment to support the eu-1 regional Control Plane.

  • The ability to deploy CDF on Azure is now generally available to all CDP Public Cloud customers.

  • Flow Deployments now support the latest Apache NiFi 1.15 release.

  • CDF now creates Kubernetes clusters with version 1.20 in AWS EKS and Azure AKS.

  • CDF now supports username/password authentication for AWS environments with non-transparent proxy setups.

  • When using the Default NiFi SSL Context Service in a flow deployment, the automatically generated truststore now contains the default cacerts from the local JDK. This ensures that the SSL Context Service can be used with third-party applications using certificates from common public certificate authorities.

  • Users can now perform the Download Kubeconfig and Manage User Access actions when an enablement request fails. This allows in-depth troubleshooting of a failed enablement attempt.

  • The following ReadyFlows have been added to the ReadyFlow Gallery:

    • ADLS to ADLS Avro ReadyFlow
    • Kafka to ADLS Avro ReadyFlow
  • Documentation has been created for the new ADLS to ADLS Avro ReadyFlow and Kafka to ADLS Avro ReadyFlow.

  • NiFi Endpoints Support Matrix has been updated.

  • Troubleshooting information has been updated for Azure.

  • Azure technical preview references have been removed.

In order to bring your workload password complexity requirements in line with company policy, you can set your FreeIPA password policies via CDP web interface and CDP CLI. Password policies can be configured for length, complexity, expiration, and scope. For more information, refer to Configuring workload password policies.

Note: Currently password policies can only be set using CDP web UI. The CDP CLI commands will be enabled during the upcoming CDP CLI release.

Pull-based audit archiving allows you to pull audit events for archiving purposes without any extra configuration beyond Control Plane API usage. For more information refer to Pull-based audit archiving.

If necessary, you can use a custom Runtime or FreeIPA image for compliance or security reasons. You can then use the CDP CLI to register a custom image catalog and set the custom image within the custom image catalog. For more information refer to Custom images and catalogs.

Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) is now supported in the eu-1 (Germany) regional Control Plane. To use CDW in one this Control Plane, your CDP administrator must create a new environment.

Cloudera has released hotfixes for Public Cloud Runtime versions 7.2.7 and newer that address Log4j2 vulnerabilities.

The following vulnerabilities have been addressed for Public Cloud Runtime versions 7.2.7 through 7.2.12:

You should upgrade your CDP services running Runtime versions 7.2.7+ so that they include the latest hotfixes. You can update your existing Data Lake and Data Hubs by doing a maintenance upgrade. You should first upgrade the Data Lake and then upgrade all the Data Hubs that are using the Data Lake. Maintenance upgrades are not supported for RAZ-enabled environments. For upgrade steps, refer to Data Lake upgrade and Data Hub upgrade documentation.

If you are running a version of Runtime prior to 7.2.7, contact Cloudera Support for details on how to upgrade Runtime.

For more information about these hotfixes, refer to the CDP Public Cloud Runtime Release Notes for the version of Runtime that you use.