Troubleshooting Cloudera Private Link Network

Learn more about how to troubleshoot certain errors when creating Cloudera Private Link Network.

The following error message is displayed if the environment creation is failing with a connectivity issue:
Please check your connection and proxy settings and make sure the instance can reach *
In this case, you can login to the FreeIPA instance, and confirm if the respective domain resolves to a private IP. The following domains are available for the CDP service component:
Service component Endpoint
API api.[***CDP CP REGION***]
CCMv2 v2.ccm.[***CDP CP REGION***]
DBUSAPI dbusapi.[***CDP CP REGION***]
CONSOLEAUTH consoleauth.thunderhead-[***ENVIRONMENT NAME***]
MONITORING api.monitoring.[***CDP CP REGION***]

The [***CDP CP REGION***] should be one of the following:

  • US control plane: us-west-1
  • EU control plane: eu-1
  • AP control plane: ap-1