Release Summaries

CDP Public Cloud: March 2024 Release Summary

This release of the Data Catalog service introduces the following new features:

  • Supporting High Availability for profiler services.
  • Navigating to tables and databases in Hue using Data Catalog.
  • Using the Download CSV option to save queried results.

This release (1.20.3-h1) of the Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) service on CDP Public Cloud introduces the following change:

CDE 1.20.3-H1 moves from Azure Single Server to Azure Flexible Server. This update is due to Azure no longer supporting Azure Single Server as of March 19, 2024.

Data Hub’s root volume size was increased from 100 GB to 200 GB.

Data Warehouse updates released on March 4 and March 26 include hot fixes only. For fixed issues, see CDW What’s New.

CML 2.0.43-b233 released on March 6 includes no new features. For fixed issues, see CML What’s New.

This release of the Management Console service introduces the following changes:

RHEL 8 is now used as a default operating system for all newly created Data Lake, FreeIPA, and Data Hubs clusters running Runtime 7.2.17 and newer.

Note: As of June 30, 2024, CentOS reaches End of Life (EOL), and consequently, CDP Public Cloud Runtime 7.2.18 only supports RHEL 8-based images. New deployments of Data Lakes and Data Hubs with Runtime 7.2.18 and upgrades to 7.2.18 are only possible with RHEL 8. Data Lake and Data Hub clusters running Runtime 7.2.17 support both CentOS 7 and RHEL 8. Earlier Runtime versions supported CentOS only, but Cloudera will not publish any updates or fixes for CentOS-based images after June 2024. Runtime 7.2.18 and newer only support RHEL.

Note: On Azure, RHEL 8 images are only available via Azure Marketplace. See CDP images hosted in Azure Marketplace.

The RHEL images, which are CIS Level 1 compliant, are provided with an embedded RHEL license that is restricted for Cloudera CDP Public Cloud use case. Cloudera’s RHEL repository connection is activated during CDP deployment and the OS is installed from that repository. Only limited OS packages are hosted in this RHEL repository, but additional OS packages can be requested by filing a support ticket with details on software name, version, and software URL (preferred) or a list of missing OS packages.

As an enhancement of the previously released functionality for launching CDP environments on Azure in multiple availability zones (AZ), you can now edit an existing environment to modify the availability zones for all newly created Data Hubs in that environment. See Deploying CDP in multiple Azure availability zones.

Data Lake’s root volume size was increased from 100 GB to 200 GB.

Cloudera Operational Database (COD) 1.40 version provides enhancements to the create database UI wizard.

When you create an operational database using the COD UI, the Create Database option provides enhancements to the database creation workflow. In addition to the enhanced look and feel for better usability, the workflow also provides two additional steps called, Settings and Review. In the Settings step, you can view the default settings for your database and can also modify them. In the Review step, you can view, and finalize your changes, and also obtain a complete CLI command, in case you want to create the database using CDP CLI.

For more information, see Creating a database using COD.