Adding IDBroker credentials in Cloudera Replication Manager

After you install and configure non-HA IDBroker in Cloudera Manager, you add the cloud credentials in Cloudera Replication Manager. Alternatively, you can create an IDBroker-based external account in Cloudera Manager to use AWS temporary credentials for data replication using replication policies.

Ensure that you have completed the steps to install and configure IDBroker in Adding a role instance to IDBroker in Cloudera Manager.
  1. Go to the Cloudera Replication Manager > Cloud Credentials page.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the following details on the Add Cloud Credential modal window:
    Option Description
    Cluster Choose the source Cloudera Base on premises cluster where you have configured the IDBroker mapping.
    Cloud Storage Type Choose S3.
    Name Provide a name for the IDBroker topology.
    Authentication Type Choose IDBroker Topology.
    IDBroker Address Enter the IDBroker host and port details in the https://[***IDBROKER HOST***]:[***IDBROKER PORT***]/gateway format.

    To identify the required IDBroker address to add in this field, go to the source Cloudera Manager > Clusters > Knox service > Instances page. The Hostname for the Knox IDBroker Role Type is the IDBroker address.

    For example,

    Cloud Topology Enter the topology name.

    Enter the topology name you added in the Knox IDBroker Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for conf/cdp-resources.xml property on the source Cloudera Manager > Clusters > Knox service > Configuration tab.

The credentials appear on the Cloud Credentials page.
You can now use the temporary AWS session credentials through the IDBroker credentials when you create HDFS, Hive, or HBase replication policies in Cloudera Replication Manager.