Submit Oozie Jobs in Data Engineering Cluster

You can submit Apache Hive jobs or queries through JDBC, ODBC or Oozie in a Data Engineering (DE) cluster. Automated batch jobs require a non-interactive mechanism. You can use Cron, CDP CML, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda or Fargate, Azure Functions, and many other mechanisms for automated batch jobs. Apache Oozie has built-in integration with the DEs cluster and is a better mechanism for these purposes.

This document explains how to create and use a CDP machine user account to submit Oozie jobs to a DE cluster through Knox Oozie endpoint.



  1. Create a CDP machine user account
  2. Set the workload password for the CDP machine user
  3. Give the CDP machine user the EnvironmentUser role for your CDP environment
  4. Perform synchronization of users
  5. Create a DE cluster
  6. Get the Oozie endpoint from the gateway tab in the DE cluster details page
  7. Setup Oozie artifacts
  8. Configure IDBroker mappings
  9. Submit the Oozie job
  • Submit the Oozie job to the Knox endpoint
  • Submit the Oozie job using the CLI

You can also see an example of how to submit a Spark job using Oozie.

  1. Create a machine user.
    Create a machine user named job-submitter and assign srv_job-submitter to the workloadUsername parameter.
    $ cdp iam create-machine-user --machine-user-name job-submitter 
        "machineUser": {
            "machineUserName": "job-submitter",
            "crn": "crn:altus:iam:us-west-1:9d74eee4-1cad-45d7-b645-7ccf9edbb73d:machineUser:job-submitter/f622d289-56a1-4cc3-a14e-9c42b7d4988f",
            "creationDate": "2020-04-24T22:19:13.889000+00:00",
            "workloadUsername": "srv_job-submitter"
  2. Set the workload password for the machine user.
    Set the workload password for the machine user. The following example sets the password as Password@123. Use the actor crn from Step 1.
    $ cdp iam set-workload-password --password 'Password@123' --actor-crn 'crn:altus:iam:us-west-1:9d74eee4-1cad-45d7-b645-7ccf9edbb73d:machineUser:job-submitter/f622d289-56a1-4cc3-a14e-9c42b7d4988f'
  3. Assign the machine user the EnvironmentUser role for your CDP environment. The Resource role crn does not change. Resource crn is the Environment crn.
    $ cdp iam assign-machine-user-resource-role --machine-user-name job-submitter --resource-crn 'crn:cdp:environments:us-west-1:9d74eee4-1cad-45d7-b645-7ccf9edbb73d:environment:d84ca408-3dbd-4849-946f-c0c194f15429' --resource-role-crn 'crn:altus:iam:us-west-1:altus:resourceRole:EnvironmentUser'
  4. Perform synchronization of users.
    Synchronize the machine user to be part of the environment users. You must use the Environment name as the Environment crn in the below command.
    cdp environments sync-all-users --environment-name 'crn:cdp:environments:us-west-1:9d74eee4-1cad-45d7-b645-7ccf9edbb73d:environment:d84ca408-3dbd-4849-946f-c0c194f15429'
  5. Create a DE cluster.
    cdp datahub create-aws-cluster --cluster-name 'gk1de' --environment-name 'spark-ql5h6p' --cluster-definition-name '7.2.6 - Data Engineering for AWS'
  6. Get the Oozie endpoint.
    cdp datahub describe-cluster --cluster-name gk1de | jq '.cluster.endpoints.endpoints[] | select( .serviceName == "OOZIE_SERVER" ) | .serviceUrl'
  7. Setup Oozie artifacts.

    Set up the hive.hql and workflow.xml files in AWS S3.

    • hive.hql contains the hive query you want to execute periodically
    • workflow.xml contains a boilerplate template to execute hive.hql
    • The parameters are controlled by job.xml submitted in Step 9.

    The value of the credential name="aws_auth" type="filesystem property is required for the Oozie logs to be saved in cloud storage.

    <workflow-app name="My Workflow" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:1.0">
       <credential name="aws_auth" type="filesystem">
        <credential name="hive2" type="hive2">
        <start to="hive"/>
        <kill name="Kill">
            <message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
        <action name="hive" cred="hive2,aws_auth">
            <hive2 xmlns="uri:oozie:hive2-action:1.0">
            <ok to="End"/>
            <error to="Kill"/>
        <end name="End"/>

    In this example, the hive.hql file is setup at the s3a://gk1priv-cdp-bucket/oozie/hive/hive.hql location and this workflow.xml file is uploaded to s3a://gk1priv-cdp-bucket/oozie/hive/. The input and output S3 objects are in the same bucket. So, set the s3a://gk1priv-cdp-bucket in the credentials section of the bucket.

  8. Configure IDBroker Mappings.
    1. Select your environment in Management Console > Environment.
    2. Click Actions > Manage Access > IDBroker Mappings.
    3. Click Edit.
    4. Add srv_job-submitter in User or Group.
    5. In Role, add the same role listed in the Data Access Role field.
    6. Click Save and Sync.
  9. Submit the Oozie job

    You can submit the Oozie job using the knox endpoint or CLI.

    • Submit the Oozie job to the Knox endpoint.

      Submit the srv_job-submitter Oozie job. This is the workloadUserName from Step 1 and the password you have set in Step 2.

      For resourceManager, hs2principal, and jdbcUrl replace the hostname with the hostname in the Oozie endpoint. Specifically for the hs2principal the domain name is the upper cased sub-string (first label is not included) of the hostname in the Oozie endpoint.
      $ curl --request POST --location --header 'Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8' -u 'srv_job-submitter:Password@123' --data-raw '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      > <configuration>
      >     <property>
      >         <name></name>
      >         <value>srv_job-submitter</value>
      >     </property>
      >     <property>
      >         <name>security_enabled</name>
      >         <value>True</value>
      >     </property>
      >     <property>
      >         <name></name>
      >         <value>s3a://gk1priv-cdp-bucket/oozie/hive</value>
      >     </property>
      >     <property>
      >         <name>oozie.use.system.libpath</name>
      >         <value>true</value>
      >     </property>
      >     <property>
      >         <name>nameNode</name>
      >         <value>will-be-replaced-by-knox</value>
      >     </property>
      >     <property>
      >         <name>resourceManager</name>
      >         <value>will-be-replaced-by-knox</value>
      >     </property>
      >     <property>
      >         <name>jobTracker</name>
      >         <value>will-be-replaced-by-knox</value>
      >     </property>
      >     <property>
      >         <name>hs2principal</name>
      >         <value>hive/</value>
      >     </property>
      >     <property>
      >         <name>jdbcUrl</name>
      >         <value>jdbc:hive2://;httpPath=cliservice;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;ssl=true;transportMode=http;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2</value>
      >     </property>
      > </configuration>'

      Track the id 0000002-200605195726045-oozie-oozi-W for result

      curl --request GET --location -u 'srv_job-submitter:Password@123'
      {"appName":"My Workflow","externalId":null,"conf":"<configuration>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name>oozie.action.sharelib.for.hive</name>\r\n    <value>hive</value>\r\n  </property>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name></name>\r\n    <value>s3a://gk1priv-cdp-bucket/oozie/hive</value>\r\n  </property>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name>oozie.use.system.libpath</name>\r\n    <value>true</value>\r\n  </property>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name>security_enabled</name>\r\n    <value>True</value>\r\n  </property>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name>jdbcUrl</name>\r\n    <value>jdbc:hive2://;httpPath=cliservice;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;ssl=true;transportMode=http;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2</value>\r\n  </property>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name>hs2principal</name>\r\n    <value>hive/</value>\r\n  </property>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name></name>\r\n    <value>srv_job-submitter</value>\r\n  </property>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name>jobTracker</name>\r\n    <value></value>\r\n  </property>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name></name>\r\n    <value>srv_job-submitter</value>\r\n  </property>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name>resourceManager</name>\r\n    <value></value>\r\n  </property>\r\n  <property>\r\n    <name>nameNode</name>\r\n    <value>hdfs://</value>\r\n  </property>\r\n</configuration>","run":0,"acl":null,"appPath":"s3a://gk1priv-cdp-bucket/oozie/hive","parentId":null,"lastModTime":"Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:25:15 GMT","consoleUrl":"","createdTime":"Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:25:02 GMT","startTime":"Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:25:02 GMT","toString":"Workflow id[0000002-200605195726045-oozie-oozi-W] status[SUCCEEDED]","id":"0000002-200605195726045-oozie-oozi-W","endTime":"Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:25:15 GMT","user":"srv_job-submitter","actions":[{"cred":null,"userRetryMax":0,"trackerUri":"-","data":null,"errorMessage":null,"userRetryCount":0,"externalChildIDs":null,"externalId":"-","errorCode":null,"conf":"","type":":START:","transition":"hive","retries":0,"consoleUrl":"-","stats":null,"userRetryInterval":10,"name":":start:","startTime":"Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:25:02 GMT","toString":"Action name[:start:] status[OK]","id":"0000002-200605195726045-oozie-oozi-W@:start:","endTime":"Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:25:02 GMT","externalStatus":"OK","status":"OK"},{"cred":"hive2","userRetryMax":0,"trackerUri":"","data":null,"errorMessage":null,"userRetryCount":0,"externalChildIDs":null,"externalId":"application_1591385267488_0010","errorCode":null,"conf":"<hive2 xmlns=\"uri:oozie:hive2-action:0.1\">\r\n  <job-tracker></job-tracker>\r\n  <name-node>hdfs://</name-node>\r\n  <jdbc-url>jdbc:hive2://;httpPath=cliservice;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;ssl=true;transportMode=http;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2</jdbc-url>\r\n  <script>s3a://gk1priv-cdp-bucket/oozie/hive/hive.hql</script>\r\n  <configuration />\r\n</hive2>","type":"hive2","transition":"End","retries":0,"consoleUrl":"","stats":null,"userRetryInterval":10,"name":"hive","startTime":"Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:25:02 GMT","toString":"Action name[hive] status[OK]","id":"0000002-200605195726045-oozie-oozi-W@hive","endTime":"Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:25:15 GMT","externalStatus":"SUCCEEDED","status":"OK"},{"cred":null,"userRetryMax":0,"trackerUri":"-","data":null,"errorMessage":null,"userRetryCount":0,"externalChildIDs":null,"externalId":"-","errorCode":null,"conf":"","type":":END:","transition":null,"retries":0,"consoleUrl":"-","stats":null,"userRetryInterval":10,"name":"End","startTime":"Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:25:15 GMT","toString":"Action name[End] status[OK]","id":"0000002-200605195726045-oozie-oozi-W@End","endTime":"Sat, 06 Jun 2020 00:25:15 GMT","externalStatus":"OK","status":"OK"}],"status":"SUCCEEDED","group":null}
    • For Data Engineering HA clusters, you can use multiple ZooKeeper services with retries:
    • Submit the Oozie job using the CLI.

      You can also submit the Oozie job from inside the cluster using the CLI.

      1. Setup the file
        nameNode=[Knox will replace this automatically]
        resourceManager=[Knox will replace this automatically]
      2. Run the Oozie command line. The workload username is srv_job-submitter and password is the same as that of the machine user.
        oozie job -oozie {oozieKnoxUrl} -auth BASIC -username {workloadUser} -password {workloadPassword} -config -run 
      3. Check the status.
        oozie job -oozie {oozieKnoxUrl} -auth BASIC -username {workloadUser} -password {workloadPassword} -info 0000002-200605195726045-oozie-oozi-W

Example - Spark submit using Oozie

<workflow-app name="My Workflow" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:1.0">
    <start to="spark-8c75"/>
    <kill name="Kill">
        <message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
    <action name="spark-8c75">
        <spark xmlns="uri:oozie:spark-action:1.0">
        <ok to="End"/>
        <error to="Kill"/>
    <end name="End"/>

To quickly get started with Oozie for other applications you could try the Hue Oozie editor. For more information about the Hue Oozie editor, see Hue Oozie Workflow Editor.