Using Apache HivePDF version

Set up the development environment

You can create a Hive UDF in a development environment using IntelliJ, for example, and build the UDF with Hive and Hadoop JARS that you download from your Cloudera cluster.

  1. On your cluster, locate the hadoop-common-<version>.jar and hive-exec-<version>.jar.
    For example:
    ls /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-7.0.0-* |grep -v test
    /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-7. . ..jar 
  2. Download the JARs to your development computer to add to your IntelliJ project later.
  3. Open IntelliJ and create a new Maven-based project. Click Create New Project. Select Maven and the supported Java version as the Project SDK. Click Next.
  4. Add archetype information.
    For example:
    • GroupId: com.mycompany.hiveudf
    • ArtifactId: hiveudf
  5. Click Next and Finish.
    The generated pom.xml appears in sample-hiveudf.
  6. To the pom.xml, add properties to facilitate versioning.
    For example:
  7. In the pom.xml, define the repositories.
    Use internal repositories if you do not have internet access.
  8. Define dependencies.
    For example:
  9. Select File > Project Structure. Click Modules. On the Dependencies tab, click + to add JARS or directories. Browse to and select the JARs you downloaded in step 1.

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