Apache Ambari Operations
Also available as:

ZooKeeper Alerts


Alert Type


Potential Causes

Possible Remedies

Percent ZooKeeper Servers Available


This service-level alert is triggered if the configured percentage of ZooKeeper processes cannot be determined to be up and listening on the network for the configured critical threshold, given in seconds. It aggregates the results of ZooKeeper process checks.

The majority of your ZooKeeper servers are down and not responding.

Check the dependent services to make sure they are operating correctly.

Check the ZooKeeper logs (/var/log/hadoop/zookeeper.log) for further information.

If the failure was associated with a particular workload, try to understand the workload better.

Restart the ZooKeeper servers from the Ambari UI.

ZooKeeper Server Process


This host-level alert is triggered if the ZooKeeper server process cannot be determined to be up and listening on the network for the configured critical threshold, given in seconds.

The ZooKeeper server process is down on the host.

The ZooKeeper server process is up and running but not listening on the correct network port (default 2181).

Check for any errors in the ZooKeeper logs (/var/log/hbase/) and restart the ZooKeeper process using Ambari Web.

Run the


command to check if the ZooKeeper server process is bound to the correct network port.