Using an external authentication source for clusters

Cloudbreak allows you to register an existing LDAP/AD instance as an external source and use it for multiple clusters. You must create the LDAP/AD prior to registering it with Cloudbreak. Once you have it ready, the overall steps are:

  1. Register an existing LDAP in Cloudbreak web UI or CLI.
  2. Once registered, the LDAP will now show up in the list of available authentication sources when creating a cluster under advanced External Sources > Configure Authentication.
  3. Prepare a blueprint as described in Preparing a blueprint for LDAP/AD .
  4. Create a cluster by using the blueprint and by attaching the authentication source. Cloudbreak automatically injects the LDAP property variables into the blueprint.

Preparing a blueprint for LDAP/AD

In order to use LDAP/AD for your cluster, you must provide a suitable cluster blueprint:

During cluster creation the following properties will be injected in the blueprint:

Their values will be the values that you provided to Cloudbreak:

Register an authentication source

Cloudbreak allows you to register an existing LDAP/AD instance and use it for multiple clusters. You must create the LDAP/AD prior to registering it with Cloudbreak. Once you have it ready, you can:

  1. Register an existing LDAP in Cloudbreak web UI or CLI.
  2. Use it as an authentication source for your clusters. Once registered, the LDAP will now show up in the list of available authentication sources when creating a cluster under advanced External Sources > Configure Authentication.


  1. From the navigation pane, select External Sources > Authentication Configurations.
  2. Select Register Authentication Source.
  3. Provide the following parameters related to your existing LDAP/AD:


    Parameter Description Example
    Name Enter a name for your LDAP. cb-ldap
    Directory Type Choose whether your directory is LDAP or Active Directory. LDAP
    LDAP Server Connection Select LDAP or LDAPS. LDAP
    Server Host Enter the hostname or IP address for the LDAP or AD server.
    Server Port Enter the LDAP server port. 389
    LDAP Domain (Optional) Enter your LDAP domain if applicable.
    LDAP Bind DN Enter the LDAP Bind DN CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=hdc,DC=com
    LDAP Bind Password Enter the LDAP Bind DN password. MyPassword1234!


    Parameter Description Example
    LDAP User Search Base Enter your LDAP user search base. This defines the location in the directory from which the LDAP search begins. CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=hdc,DC=com
    LDAP User Name Attribute Enter the attribute for which to conduct a search on the user base. HDCaccountName
    LDAP User Dn Pattern Enter LDAP User DN Pattern, which is used to bind an LDAP user. CN={0},CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=hdc,DC=com
    LDAP User Object Class Enter the directory object class filter for users. person


    Parameter Description Example
    LDAP Group Search Base Enter your LDAP group search base. This defines the location in the directory from which the LDAP search begins. CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=hdc,DC=com
    LDAP Admin Group (Optional) Enter your LDAP admin group if applicable.
    LDAP Group Name Attribute Enter the attribute for which to conduct a search on groups. cn
    LDAP Group Object Class Enter the directory object class filter for groups. group
    LDAP Group Member Attribute Enter the attribute on the group object class that represents members. member
  4. Click Test Connection to verify that the connection information that you entered is correct.

  5. Click REGISTER.

  6. The LDAP will now show up on the list of available authentication sources when creating a cluster under advanced External Sources > Configure Authentication. It can be reused with multiple clusters. Just select it if you would like to use it for a given cluster.