DSS Administration
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Additional Configuration for Cluster Sensitivity Profiler

In addition to the generic configuration, there are additional parameters for the Cluster Sensitivity Profiler that can optionally be edited.

  1. Click Profilers in the main navigation menu on the left.
  2. Click Configs to view all of configured profilers.
  3. Select the cluster for which you need to edit profiler configuration.

    The list of profilers for the selected clusters is displayed.

  4. Click the Cluster Sensitivity Profiler to edit.

    The Profiler Configuration tab is displayed in the right panel.

  5. Select the queue, schedule, and advanced configuration details as specified in Edit Profiler Configuration.
  6. Add Asset Filter Rules as needed to customize the selection and deselection of assets which the profiler profiles.
    • Black-list - The profiler will skip profiling assets that meet any defined blacklist criteria.
      1. Click the Black-list tab.
      2. Click Add to include rules for blacklisting.
      3. Select the key from the drop down list. You can select a database name, name of the asset, name of the owner of the asset, path to the assets, or created date.
      4. Select the operator from the drop down list. Depending on the keys selected, you can select an operator such as equals, contains. For example, you can select the name of assets that contain a particular string.
      5. Enter the value corresponding to the key. For example, you can enter a string as mentioned in the previous example here.
      6. Click Done. Once it is is added, you can toggle the state of the new rule to enable it or disable it as needed.
    • White-list - The profiler will include only assets that satisfy any defined whitelisting criteria. If no whitelist rule is defined, the profiler will profile all the assets.
      1. Click the White-list tab.
      2. Click Add to include rules for whitelisting.
      3. Select the key from the drop down list. You can select a database name, name of the asset, name of the owner of the asset, path to the assets, or created date.
      4. Select the operator from the drop down list. Depending on the keys selected, you can select an operator such as equals, contains. For example, you can select the name of assets that contain a particular string.
      5. Enter the value corresponding to the key. For example, you can enter a string as mentioned in the previous example.
      6. Click Done. Once it is added, you can toggle the state of the new rule to enable it or disable it as needed.
    If an asset meets both whitelist and blacklist rules, the blacklist rule will be given preference.
  7. Toggle the state of the profiler from Active to Inactive as needed.
  8. Click Save to apply the configuration changes to the selected profiler. The changes should appear in the profiler description.