Test Case 1: Testing Normal Event with No Violation Prediction
The Assertions of this test case are the following:
Assertion 1: Validate test data for geo steam and speed stream that are non violations
Assertion 2: Validate the Join of data between geo stream and speed stream
Assertion 3: Validate that the filter “EventType” detects that this is a “Non Violation Event”
Assertion 4: Validate the the joined event gets split into three events by the “Split” projection.
Assertion 5: Validate that the three enrichments are applied: weather enrichments, timesheet enrichment and HR enrichment.
Assertion 6: Validate the three enrichment streams are joined into a single stream.
Assertion 7: Validate that data after normalization for the model
Assertion 8: Validate the output of the Prediction model is that no violation is predicted
Assertion 9: Validate the filter “Prediction” detects that it is non violation.
Follow the below steps to create this test case for the reference app in Edit Mode. (If you ran the test utility, these 4 test cases will already be created for you.)
Click “TEST” Mode
Click Add Test Case
Provide Test Case details. Provide a name for test case, test data for TruckGeoEvent and test data for TruckSpeedEvent.
Execute the Test Case.
You should see the result of the test case as the following.
Download the test case results.