3.3. Failures caused by incorrect HCatalog configurations

If the HCatalog configuration are incorrect you get an error message similar to the following on your console:

unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /tmp/mysqljdbc.zip or /tmp/mysqljdbc.zip.zip, and cannot find /tmp/mysqljdbc.zip.ZIP, period on x.x.x.x 

Solution: You can find the root cause of this exception using the /var/log/hcatalog/hcat.err file on your HCatalog node. Typically, the root cause is either Unknown Host Exception or Failed Initializing Database Error.

  1. Copy the link of the nearest accessible mirror for MySQL JDBC Connector from here.

  2. Open the master-install-location/gsInstaller/gsLib.sh file in edit mode and update the value for mysqljdbcurl property to the value obtained in Step -1. This will change the default location of the MySQL JDBC Connector in gsInstaller

  3. Restart the installation process.

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