3.4. Secure deployment failures

Secure deployments typically fail because of the following errors:

  • No valid credential provided

  • GSS Initiate failed

  • Solution - No valid credential provided: If your kinit utility is incorrectly configured, you see the following error message during secure deployment:

     Caused by: java.io.IoException: javax.security.SaslException:GSS Initiate failed (Caused by GSSException: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt) 

    1. Locate the correct path for the kinit utility.

      cd $Full_Path_To_KDC_Server
      which kinit

    2. Open the master-install-location/gsInstallergsInstaller.properties file in edit mode.

    3. Replace the existing value for kinit­path property with the value obtained in Step-1.

    4. Restart the installation process.

  • Solution - GSS Initiate failed:

    1. If your keytab file configurations are incorrect, you should see the following error message during secure deployment:

      Caused by: java.io.IoException: javax.security.SaslException:GSS Initiate failed (Caused by GSSException: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt) 


      The auxiliary script file setupKerberos.sh pushes all the keytabs under /tmp directory of each host in your cluster. You must ensure that the gsInstaller.properties reflects the correct values for the keytab properties.

    2. Open the master-install-location/gsInstaller/gsInstaller.properties file in edit mode and update the value for hdfsuser.headless.keytab and smoke_test_user.headless.keytab properties.

    3. Restart the installation process.

More specific issues for secure deployments are discussed here:

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