Hortonworks Data Platform

Installing HDP Manually



1. Getting Ready to Install
1. Understand the Basics
2. Meet Minimum System Requirements
2.1. Hardware Recommendations
2.2. Operating Systems Requirements
2.3. Software Requirements
2.4. Configure the Remote Repository
2.5. Database Requirements
2.6. JDK Requirements
2.7. Virtualization and Cloud Platforms
3. Collect Information
4. Decide on Deployment Type
5. Prepare the Environment
5.1. Enable NTP on the Cluster
5.2. Check DNS
5.3. Disable SELinux
6. Create Service Users and Groups
7. Download Companion Files
8. Define Environment Parameters
8.1. Define Users and Groups
8.2. Define Directories
2. Installing HDFS and MapReduce
1. Set Default File and Directory Permissions
2. Install the Hadoop RPMs
3. Install Compression Libraries
4. Create Directories
4.1. Create the NameNode Directories
4.2. Create the SecondaryNameNode Directories
4.3. Create the DataNode and MapReduce Local Directories
4.4. Create the Log and PID Directories
3. Setting Up the Hadoop Configuration
4. Validating the Core Hadoop Installation
5. Installing Apache Pig
1. Install the Pig RPMs
2. Set Up Configuration Files
3. Validate the Installation
6. Installing Apache Hive and Apache HCatalog
1. Install the Hive and HCatalog RPMs
2. Set Directories and Permissions
3. Set Up the Hive/HCatalog Configuration Files
4. Validate the Installation
7. Installing Apache WebHCat
1. Install the WebHCat RPMs
2. Set Directories and Permissions
3. Modify WebHCat Config Files
4. Set Up the HDFS User and Prepare WebHCat Directories On HDFS
5. Validate the Installation
8. Installing Apache HBase and Apache ZooKeeper
1. Install the HBase and ZooKeeper RPMs
2. Set Directories and Permissions
3. Set Up the Configuration Files
4. Validate the Installation
9. Installing Hue
1. Prerequisites
2. Set Up Configuration Files
3. Install Hue
4. Configure Hive
4.1. Optional - Configure Beeswax Email Notifications
5. Configure Hue
6. Start Hue
10. Installing Apache Oozie
1. Install the Oozie RPMs
2. Set Directories and Permissions
3. Set Up the Oozie Configuration Files
4. Validate the Installation
11. Installing Apache Sqoop
1. Install the Sqoop RPMs
2. Optional - Download Database Connector
3. Set Up the Sqoop Configuration
4. Validate the Installation
12. Installing and Configuring Apache Flume in HDP
1. Understand Flume
1.1. Flume Components
2. Install Flume
2.1. Prerequisites
2.2. Installation
2.3. Users
2.4. Directories
3. Configure Flume
4. Start Flume
5. HDP and Flume
5.1. Sources
5.2. Channels
5.3. Sinks
6. A Simple Example
13. Installing Ganglia
1. Install the Ganglia RPMs
2. Install the Configuration Files
3. Validate the Installation
14. Installing Nagios
1. Install the Nagios RPMs
2. Install the Configuration Files
3. Validate the Installation
15. Setting Up Security for Manual Installs
1. Preparing Kerberos
1.1. Kerberos Overview
1.2. Install and Configure the KDC
1.3. Create the Database and Set Up First Administrator
1.4. Installing and Configuring the Kerberos Clients
1.5. Creating Hadoop Service Principals and Keytabs
1.6. Provide jce-6 Security JAR Files
2. Configure HDP
2.1. Create Mappings Between Principals and UNIX Usernames
2.2. Add Security Information to Configuration Files
16. Uninstalling HDP
17. Appendix: Tarballs
1. RHEL 5 and CentOS 5
2. RHEL 6 and CentOS 6
3. SUSE Enterprise Linux 11