2. Configure HDP

You must complete the following tasks to configure HDP for Kerberos:

  • Create Mappings Between Principals and UNIX Usernames

    Hadoop uses group memberships of users at various places to determine group ownership for files or for access control.


    A user is mapped to the group using an implementation of the GroupMappingServiceProvider interface. The implementation is pluggable and is configured in core-site.xml.

    By default Hadoop uses ShellBasedUnixGroupsMapping, which is an implementation of GroupMappingServiceProvider. It fetches the group membership for a username by executing a UNIX shell command. In secure clusters, because the usernames are actually Kerberos principals, ShellBasedUnixGroupsMapping will work only if the Kerberos principals map to valid UNIX usernames.

    Hadoop provides a feature that lets administrators specify mapping rules to map a Kerberos principal to a local UNIX username .

  • Add Security Information to Configuration Files