2. Set Up Configuration Files

There are several configuration files that need to be set up for Pig.

If any of these directories already exist, we recommend deleting and recreating them. Use the following instructions to set up Pig configuration files:

  1. We strongly suggest that you edit and source the files included in scripts.zip file (downloaded in Download Companion Files). Alternatively, you can also copy the contents to your ~/.bash_profile) to set up these environment variables in your environment.

  2. From the file you downloaded in extract the files in configuration_files/pig directory to a temporary directory.

  3. Copy the configuration files.

    On all hosts where Pig will be executed, replace the installed Pig configs with the downloaded one and set appropriate permissions:

    rm -rf $PIG_CONF_DIR
    mkdir -p $PIG_CONF_DIR

     <Copy the all config files to $PIG_CONF_DIR>

    chmod -R 755 $PIG_CONF_DIR/../


  • $PIG_CONF_DIR is the directory to store the Pig logs. For example, /etc/pig/conf.

  • $PIG_USER is the user owning the Pig services. For example, pig.

  • $HADOOP_GROUP is a common group shared by services. For example, hadoop.