1. Run Smoke Test

After starting the HDP Services, run the smoke tests to validate the installation:

  1. Create the Smoke Test user account:

    net user /add smoketestuser myp@ssw0rd123!
  2. Create a smoketest user directory in HDFS if one does not already exist:

    %HADOOP_HOME%\bin\hadoop -mkdir -p /user/smoketest
    %HADOOP_HOME%\bin\hadoop dfs -chown -R smoketest  
  3. On a cluster node, open a command prompt and execute the smoke test command script as shown below:


    The smoke tests validate the installed functionality by executing a set of tests for each HDP component. You must run these tests as the hadoop user or Create a User


    It is recommended to re-install HDP, if you see installation failures for any HDP component.

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