10. Upgrading HBase

To upgrade HBase, you must run the following commands as the hadoop user on both the HBase Master and the RegionServers hosts:

  1. Start the ZooKeeper service:

    sc start zkServer
  2. Check for HFiles in V1 format. HBase 0.96.0 discontinues support for HFileV1, but HFileV1 was a common format prior to HBase 0.94. Run the following command to check if there are HFiles in V1 format:

    %HBASE_HOME%\bin\hbase.cmd upgrade -check
  3. Upgrade HBase.

    %HBASE_HOME%\bin\hbase.cmd upgrade -execute 

    You should see a completed Znode upgrade with no errors.

  4. Start all rest HDP services.

    sc start rest

    If the Apache Hadoop rest service is disabled, run the following command to enable it:

    sc config name=rest start= demand

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