Install WebHCat.
For RHEL/CentOS:
yum install hive-webhcat webhcat-tar-hive webhcat-tar-pig
Run the following command:
zypper install hive-webhcat webhcat-tar-hive webhcat-tar-pig
For Ubuntu:
apt-get install webhcat-tar-hive webhcat-tar-pig
Also see the instructions on manually deploying the WebHCat instance provided here.
Copy the appropriate configurations from
.Copy the new Pig, Hive and Hadoop-streaming jars to HDFS using the path you specified in .
and change ownership to the hcat user with 755 permissions. For example:hdfs dfs-copyFromLocal /usr/share/HDP-webhcat/hive.tar.gz /usr/share/HDP-webhcat/pig.tar.gz /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-streaming.jar hdfs:///apps/webhcat/. hdfs dfs -chmod -R 755 hdfs:///apps/webhcat/* hdfs dfs -chown -R hcat hdfs:///apps/webhcat/*
Replace your WebHCat configuration after upgrading. Copy your modified
from the template to the configuration directory in all your WebHCat hosts.Start WebHCat:
sudo su -l $WEBHCAT_USER -c "/usr/lib/hive-hcatalog/sbin/ start"
Smoke test WebHCat. On the WebHCat host machine, execute the following command:
If you are using a secure cluster, excecute the following command:
curl --negotiate -u: http://cluster.$PRINCIPAL.$REALM:50111/templeton/v1/status {"status":"ok","version":"v1"}[machine@acme]$
Remove shared libraries from old Templeton installation. On the WebHCat host machine, execute the following command:
sudo su -l $HDFS_USER -c "hadoop dfs -rmr -skipTrash /apps/templeton" rm -rf /usr/share/HDP-templeton
is the WebHCat Service user. For example,hcat
is the HDFS Service user. For example,hdfs