To start YARN, run commands as a YARN user. To start MapReduce, run commands as a MapReduce user.
If you have a secure cluster, create the following principals and keytabs for YARN before you start the YARN service:
yarn.resourcemanager.principal yarn.resourcemanager.keytab yarn.nodemanager.principal yarn.nodemanager.keytab yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.spnego-principal yarn.nodemanager.webapp.spnego-principal mapreduce.jobhistory.webapp.spnego-principal yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.spnego-keytab-file yarn.nodemanager.webapp.spnego-keytab-file mapreduce.jobhistory.webapp.spnego-keytab-file
Start the ResourceManager on your previous JobTracker host.
su $YARN_USER export HADOOP_LIBEXEC_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/libexec /usr/lib/hadoop-yarn/sbin/ start resourcemanager ps -ef | grep -i resourcemanager
Prepare the NodeManager hosts.
Change permissions for
chown yarn:hadoop /usr/lib/hadoop-yarn/bin/container-executor chmod -R 650 /usr/lib/hadoop-yarn/bin/container-executor
On all NodeManager hosts, add the yarn user to the hadoop group.
For example if you are using CentOS6:
usermod -a -G hadoop yarn
Start the NodeManager on your previous TaskTracker hosts.
su $YARN_USER export HADOOP_LIBEXEC_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/libexec /usr/lib/hadoop-yarn/sbin/ start nodemanager ps -ef | grep -i nodemanager
To start MapReduce, run the following commands as MapReduce user:
su $MAPREDUCE_USER export HADOOP_LIBEXEC_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/libexec /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/sbin/ --config /etc/hadoop/conf start historyserver ps -ef | grep -i jobhistoryserver