2. Enabling HA Reads for HBase

Use the following procedure to enable HA for HBase:

  1. Add the following configuration properties in the hbase-site.xml configuration file to enable HA for HBase:


    Table 11.1. 

    Configuration PropertyDescription
    hbase.regionserver.storefile.refresh.periodThe period, in milliseconds, for refreshing the store files for the Secondary Region Servers. The default value of 0 indicates that the feature is disabled. Secondary Region Servers receive new store files from the Primary Region Server after the Secondary Region Server refreshes the list of files in the region. However, too frequent refreshes can place an additional load on the NameNode. Read requests are rejected if these store files cannot be refreshed for longer than the HFILE TTL period specifed with the hbase.master.loadbalancer.class configuration property.
    hbase.master.loadbalancer.classThe Java class used for balancing the load of all HBase clients. The default value is org.apache.hadoop.hbase.masgter.balancer.StochasticLoadBalancer, the only load balancer that supports reading data from Region Servers in secondary mode.
    hbase.ipc.client.allowsInterruptWhether to enable interruption of RPC threads at the client. The default value of true is required to enable Primary Region Servers to access other Region Servers in secondary mode.
    hbase.client.primaryCallTimeout.getThe timeout period, in milliseconds, before an HBase client's RPCs, or remote procedure calls, are submitted to a Secondary Region Server with timeline data consistency. The default value is 10.
    hbase.client.primaryCallTimeout.multigetThe timeout period, in milliseconds, before an HBase client's multi-get request, such as HTable.get(List<GET>)), is submitted to a Secondary Region Server with timeline data consistency. The default value is 10. Lower values increase the number of RPCs but will also lower latency.

  2. Restart the HBase Master and Region Servers.

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