7.10. Oozie 4.1.0

  • OOZIE-2051 Allows multiple default action configuration files per action

  • OOZIE-2013 Bundle job with children status of "KILLED" and "FAILED" should transition to "KILLED" instead of "DONEWITHERROR"

  • OOZIE-2012 coordinator with an invalid cron frequency throws NPE after validation

  • OOZIE-2011 In non-secure environment, oozie fails "with E0508: User [?] not authorized for WF job" when killing a job

  • OOZIE-1814 Oozie should mask "oozie.https.keystore.pass" in instrumentation log

  • OOZIE-1726 Oozie does not support _HOST when configuring kerberos security

  •  OOZIE-1561 When using Oozie HA, the logs should also be HA