4. Configure Your Database for Oozie

  • For Derby:

    No database configuration is required.

  • For MySQL:

    echo "create database if not exists oozie;" | mysql -u rootecho "grant all privileges on oozie.* to 'oozie'@'localhost' identified by 'oozie';" | mysql -u root echo "grant all privileges on oozie.* to 'oozie'@`hostname -f` identified by 'oozie';" | mysql -u root

  • For PostgreSQL:

    echo "CREATE DATABASE oozie;" | psql -U postgresecho "CREATE USER oozie WITH PASSWORD 'oozie';" | psql -U postgres echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE oozie TO oozie;" | psql -U postgres echo "CREATE DATABASE oozie;" | psql -U postgresecho "CREATE USER oozie WITH PASSWORD 'oozie';" | psql -U postgres echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE oozie TO oozie;" | psql -U postgres

  • For Oracle:

    bash -l -c 'echo "create user oozie identified by oozie;" | sqlplus system/root@`hostname -f`' bash -l -c 'echo "GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO oozie;" | sqlplus system/ root@`hostname -f`' bash -l -c 'echo "GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO oozie;" | sqlplus system/ root@`hostname -f`'

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