5. Validate the Installation

  1. For all database types, except Derby, copy your database connector JAR file into /usr/ lib/oozie/libext.

  2. Run the setup script to prepare the Oozie server:

    cd /usr/hdp/current/oozie/bin/oozie-setup.sh prepare-war chmod 777 -R /var/log/oozieln -s /etc/oozie/conf/action-conf /etc/oozie/conf.dist/action-conf

  3. Create the Oozie database schema:

    cd /usr/hdp/current/oozie/ bin/ooziedb.sh create -sqlfile oozie.sql -run Validate DB Connection

  4. Start the Oozie server:

    su -l oozie -c "/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/bin/oozied.sh start"

    where oozie is the $OOZIE_User.

  5. Confirm that you can browse to the Oozie server:


  6. Access the Oozie server with the Oozie client:

    oozie admin -oozie http://$oozie.full.hostname :11000/oozie -status

    The following message is returned if your installation is valid:

    System mode: NORMAL

Next Steps

For example workflow templates, download the companion files and use \oozie_workflows.

For more information about Apache Oozie, see http://oozie.apache.org/docs/4.0.0/ .

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