Installing HDP Manually
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Set Directories and Permissions

Create directories and configure ownership and permissions on the appropriate hosts as described below.

If any of these directories already exist, we recommend deleting and recreating them. Use the following instructions to create appropriate directories:

  1. We strongly suggest that you edit and source the bash script files included with the companion files. (See "Download Companion Files" in Chapter 1 of this guide.)

    Alternately, you can also copy the contents to your ~/.bash_profile to set up these environment variables in your environment.

  2. Execute the following commands on all nodes:

    mkdir -p $HBASE_LOG_DIR;
    chmod -R 755 $HBASE_LOG_DIR;
    mkdir -p $HBASE_PID_DIR;
    chmod -R 755$HBASE_PID_DIR;


    • $HBASE_LOG_DIR is the directory to store the HBase logs. For example, /var/log/hbase.

    • $HBASE_PID_DIR is the directory to store the HBase process ID. For example, /var/run/hbase.

    • $HBASE_USER is the user owning the HBase services. For example, hbase.

    • $HADOOP_GROUP is a common group shared by services. For example, hadoop.